Monday, December 27, 2010

Women's Nipple Tattoos

Hurricane Obama is just breeze by Robert Montoya

President as a brand no longer sells. The "yes, we can" quickly became in a "no, we can not"

There is still almost a month to ensure compliance with the second anniversary of the arrival of Barack Obama to power, but the American President and it seems a ghost who wanders the halls of disoriented the White House. Obama Superman's flight was too short, too, or maybe not there any flight. He tried to take off and take off to their country and improve the world but failed. The Obama brand no longer sells. The "yes, we can" quickly became a "no, we can not."

heavy defeat after the election that the Democratic Party suffered in November, losing its majority in the House Representatives and holding it for very scarce margin in the Senate, Obama seems to have ended up throwing in the towel. Ignoring the current left and center of his party, the president has decided to once again, your other cheek to the Republican Party.
One of the latest examples of this approach to dialogue was a few days ago, when Obama bowed to Republican pressure, accepting a vital change in its tax reform, one of his major campaign promises. The president agreed to extend for two years the tax cut to those earning more than $ 250,000 a year, a measure approved by George W. Bush and concluded this year. The reform includes a reduction of 120,000 million dollars in Social Security contributions, which further weaken this institution and in the not too distant can assume its full privatization.
Many Democrats understand that these and many other tax concessions to the rich, involving millions of dollars of increased public debt, millions could be spent on job creation. Obama, who has tried to sell the reforms as a success, showing only positive aspects, which also undoubtedly has had a strong internal opposition within the Democratic Party.
proof is 139 while congressional Democrats voted for reform and 112 against, on the Republican side were 138 who voted in favor and only 36 against.
Another star Obama campaign promises, health reform, continues to lose steam. If you are already on the road to adoption had been so many changes that decaf and made unrecognizable from its original idea, in legal terms is finding more and more obstacles in their path.

A federal judge in Virginia has rescinded a few days ago a key part of health reform, considering it unconstitutional. According to Judge Henry Hudson "the Government can not force citizens to buy insurance under threat of being punished. " As often happens in America, this judge is the owner of a Republican consulting firm, Campaign Solutions, which is a client Sarah Palin, a former presidential candidate and now leader of the Tea Party, the ultra current GOP.
Sarah Palin, as Republicans sectors, among which is Eric Cantor himself, the new leader of the Republican majority in the House of Representatives are pushing the amendment called Revocation, which, if successful in both Chambers, would override any federal law, including healthcare reform, provided that a vote of two thirds of the states of the Union.
Republicans, elated by his recent electoral victory, are willing to step up its offensive in the two-year term remaining for Obama, who has completely lost the initiative.
The blows suffered by Obama to their original ideas of health and fiscal reforms, in addition to the failures in many other quarters. The president has failed so far support for legalizing the eleven million undocumented immigrants in the U.S. to another of his big campaign promises.

11 next January, will mark nine years since the arrival of the first prisoners to Guantanamo and Obama has so far failed in its intention to close the detention illegal. It is an open secret that the government is preparing a law that would allow him to retain without charge indefinitely, with 48 of the 174 prisoners still held there.
The issue of human rights progress has not met since coming to power of Obama. Still the Patriot Act (Patriot Act), which allows the State shares of Big Brother about their citizens, without judicial authorization, while disclosure is a criminal offense by civilian organizations such as Wikileaks of thousands and thousands of documents establishing the continues to commit crimes the U.S. military in Iraq or Afghanistan, or conspiraciciones, blackmail and espionage carried out daily by U.S. embassies worldwide.
These documents show that both the armed forces and intelligence services and U.S. diplomats, continue to operate under the Obama administration as they did with Bush. The government now seeks to judge how the visible head of Wikileaks, Julian Assange, under the Espionage Act of 1917, created by a Democratic president, Woodrow Wilson, to punish any citizen who dared to publicly criticize U.S. entry united in the First World War.

Speaking Christmas Obama might just show two real achievements, thanks to a vote of 12 moderate Republicans the Senate vote in favor of new nuclear disarmament agreement with Russia (Start), and the abolition of a law forbidding the military to recognize his homosexuality.
Obama has been losing ground and everything can be expected that this trend is even more pronounced since January, when the two chambers reflect the new balance of parliamentary forces and the republicans use to boycott any government initiative, with the view entry into the presidential election in November 2012.
Hurricane Obama has lost power and was left in a breeze.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Green Metalcore Scooter

The truths revealed in Assange

By Roberto Montoya,

From Wikileaks underground leader threatens to reveal secrets about aliens. The real finds in the mountains of leaks.
Julian Assange, the visible face of Wikileaks, chatted this weekend with the readers of British newspaper The Guadian from hiding, presumably from somewhere in south London. They acknowledged that he had received death threats, there is a warrant for his arrest by Interpol against him, but said that in the case of arrest, automatically activate the keys to decrypt important files that have been posted by Wikileaks to 100,000 computers.

Is this part of the war in cyberspace announced XXI century?
What's really important in American diplomatic cable leaked to Wikileaks? The documents released so far and which will reveal the five media chosen by that organization is classified material "confidential" or "secret" as appropriate, but never "top secret". All cables used by diplomats from the 11-S Internet system of the U.S. Army called the SIPRNET (Secret Internet Protocol Router Network), which has no level of encryption as sophisticated as that used by the CIA, the NSA and other U.S. intelligence agencies to really top secret communications. Despite this and despite the thousands of cables dominated comments on facts as well known as the corruption of Russian or Afghan government, the "wild parties" of Berlusconi, the fears of Arab countries to the Iranian nuclear power and many others, there are other internal communications that are getting in trouble to some governments.

is the case, for example, in Spain.
Both the previous government of right José María Aznar (1996-2004) as the current Socialist leader Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, are revealed about how they were accomplices of the United States to try to close the court cases in Spain in spite of the torture against prisoners in Guantanamo English, for flights of CIA aircraft transporting prisoners who stopped illegally on English territory between 2002 and 2007 and the death of Jose Couso television camera in Baghdad in 2003 by a U.S. tank shell, fired deliberately against the Palestine Hotel which housed much of the international press, witnesses very annoying for the U.S.. "The English ministers work to flourish no arrest warrants, "or" The state attorney general is doing what it can to close the case "or" Moratinos (former foreign minister Rodríguez Zapatero) ensures that de la Vega (former vice president social) has involved "or" The English government does not object to the CIA flights, "are some of the phrases that appear in the many messages sent from Madrid to the U.S. becoming aware of the diplomatic efforts to close these cases as soon as possible criminals.

"I'm losing patience with Spain's position on Iraq," he even said a Cuban-American cable Former U.S. Ambassador, Eduardo Aguirre, a senior adviser to Rodriguez Zapatero, showing the imperial tone used by U.S. diplomats with a foreign government to which he constantly demand explanations. The parliamentary left has demanded an explanation, like Couso's family, who studies judicial file a complaint against prosecutors and policy makers.

In Germany, the cables have been revealed as the first result in dismissal from the leadership of the Liberal Party (FDP) Helmut Metzner, advisor to the president of the party and currently foreign minister, Guido Westerwelle, to know that had been confident Metzner U.S. embassy, \u200b\u200bwhich provided sensitive information about the government.
Among the other gems that appear in the papers of the State Department revealed, it is clear the president's secret commitment of Algeria, Abdelaziz Butlefika, that in no case will go to war against Morocco but further deterioration of the Sahara, the Yemeni regime's secret agreement with the United States that the U.S. military to attack Al Qaeda in its territory or fears about "the growing Islamization of Turkey."

In Latin America, the cables show concern for the United States because of internal rivalries in the armed forces and widespread corruption in Mexico incapacitate the government to defeat the narcos, or in the case of Venezuela, closely follows the close relationship with Cuba, as well as follow very closely in the footsteps of Iran in Latin America, where suspected of seeking uranium.
documents are supposed to continue running for several weeks. Assange He said in his chat on The Guardian, even "not yet published in parts of the State Department documents, there are references to UFOs."

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Good Things To Write In A Wedding Book


Among the gross distortions that are suffering on the decade of the sixty to seventy which is attributed to all the activism "thoughts" national "," popular "," Peronist "and a string of ideas copious frozen, very hackneyed by now that militancy that seems to believe that achievement of human rights was the goal for which they gave the lives of hundreds of young and old scores. I remember a dinner companion that circumstance has no qualms about additives to their name the title "nephew" because his uncle is a "famous", correct the word "seventy" calling this generation, the generation revolutionary Peronist " without taking into account that we had invented that strange word "seventy", just to cover an ideological, political, programmatic and highly practical, very varied.

Well gentlemen, among those seventies there was the PRT-ERP, which although not large was all we had hoped, we were several thousand and a lot of talk, and not the national sport of the senseless use words, but it was much what we did, I think this is no doubt.

Well gentlemen, it seems necessary to remind them, including former members of the PRT-ERP itself, they forgot or ignored the PRT-ERP was not for nothing "national thinking", nor was it "thinking people", much less had a reading or Catholic, or oligarchical, or revisionist, or populist, or Stalinist history.

The PRT-ERP was defined itself as Marxist-Leninist concept at that time, replaced "national" by international and multi-class "popular" by the workers classism. That meant, in practice, the subjects were we, the industrial workers' vanguard. " In the Political Bureau of the PRT, due to the tenacity of Santucho of eight members, four were workers of big industry: "I exaggerate? Then there are the names: Charles Herman, Luis Mattini, Juan Ledesma, Antonio del Carmen Fernandez. The others were Santucho, Urteaga, Mena and Gorriaran. Someone tell me if you knew something like this in Argentina, both on your PC, such as the Trotskyist parties or Peronism itself. And in America, well, may be Uruguay, Chile and that may stop counting. It goes without saying that I am not making a fuss about this, just remember how things were. (Because, justice orders, moreover also loaded with some "workers" who will voglio dire!! Better to lose to find them)

is also true that PRT favored a revolution carried out by an alliance of character class and popular. " That is, (and pardon the irony, but it's true) we were not "popular" folk would be our allies. Because the TRP "popular" was a sociological category below the class. Something like today when we speak of "progressive" rather than revolutionary. Besides trostkysta origin, our tendency, led by Mario Roberto Santucho, adopted as a guide Guevarism tactics and ethical content, overcomes the Stalinist nightmare (it does not entail having been vaccinated against Stalinism.)

course, the current neo-populist Peronist home are as Stalinists, I understand, I understand I can not help my sympathy. The idea of \u200b\u200b"popular" gives them a place, the law allows them to be "cutting edge" and not "petty bourgeois" groundless epithet that should suffer Leninist parties of the time. Poor things! We must recognize that Marxism-Leninism was indeed aristocratic, only the workers, and within these industrial-could be "cutting edge." It must be said that the very Santucho not escape this dogma. I enjoy that, because Colorado is the complaint of Vincent's daughter's book of Roby, which relates that Santucho challenged him for not having joined Mattini Central Committee, when he, Santucho, was in jail.

Of course, the PRT-ERP, never believed that the revolution could do only with the vanguard of the working class and therefore had profound tactical agreements with the organizations of origin and also Peronist Montoneros. (That is the "popular") but make no mistake gentlemen tactical agreements and respect their beliefs. But we did not share much beyond the prospect of taking power and launch into a socialist Argentina, as a project yet to be created. That was no small thing, but did not mean that visions we shared philosophical, ethical, historical and class to these sectors. Of course it must be recognized that if history teaches us is stubborn, is that within the PRT were also frequent the "popular", it just looked Campora saw in 73 and only the power and prestige could control the situation Santucho , driving without fuss. Otherwise we would have diluted in a larger group of populists. However, in view of the flirtation with the current government, I see that was more than I thought.

We must be clear. We who follow Santucho, we were not Christians, did not think in the "national bourgeoisie" or seduced us essayists "national and popular" now so fashionable in those days knew only about "lackey" and required him to Cortazar heard "right? If, Julio Cortazar, who returned to Argentina in order to "write for the people." Nor is not the case "compare" Che to Evita, simply because they are so different that they are incomparable.

Our enemy was landed oligarchy and the large agricultural and industrial bourgeoisie, which did not consider "sepoy" but a member of imperialism. In what is now called "middle class" the objective we considered an ally, but he had such confidence that we tried not to recruit people of the social sector, we were convinced that only the working class should be the driver of a process that was national and international as the content, leading the allies to the rural and urban petty bourgeoisie (ie the middle and poor peasants) to the militant intelligentsia and the "urban poor", as we called others said the slum dwellers.

repeat if it is not clear: national in form only, so we were not nationalists, we were internationalists, or a world propiciábamos without borders or flags. We knew some languages, but enough to know that in the Germanic languages \u200b\u200bthe adjective goes before the noun, therefore "national socialism" exactly means in German "national socialism", without national socialism so everything was always Fascist as national models of socialism forms were numerous. .

But above all things, at least on the facts, and perhaps without knowing it, were deeply immanent, ie, we believed that history is made by human subjects by choice, here and now and not on a transcendent predetermined plan from outside, is given God, by Providence or abstract terms. This content is perhaps the most absent today. also did not accept the subjunctive, the "have". We did not believe that if the farmer landowner Juan Manuel de Rosas "had" won the battle of Caseros, the English "have" lost influence in national history. For something Rosas died in exile in England. (Ah, that rare thing, right? His tomb was very close to that of Karl Marx, but so are the exoteric English)

The PRT-ERP studied much history, because history is the teacher of disciplines. The real story learn. But we were committed Marxists body and soul into a proletarian revolution, so that, faithful to that commitment, it is natural that we should seek to escape the influence of bourgeois ideology. And, of course, Peronism, and radicalism, was a bourgeois ideology. Or do you doubt? Do you have any doubts that Pacho O'Donnell is so bourgeois as Romero? The difference in favor of Romero is on one hand he denies it and the other is an intellectual, politically stable and predictable, a highly professional science scholar, not a Type. and therefore his work is more likely to draw our own conclusions.

course, we could not prevent science being in the hands of the bourgeoisie in streams of various shades and interests. "By the way as they are today even in universities alleged" popular "as the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo, or even as the Cuban socialist, and repeat the academic models and social practices of universities have emerged of official bourgeois modernity where the use of professional title has replaced the title of nobility "At both the PRT tried to follow the professional historians, knowing that no one is devoid of ideology and reality is always complex. And while we clearly taught by Marx, men tend to respond to class interests, the history also teaches that there were many men who emancipated themselves from the class interests to act in the interests, say, human. Or do you believe that Che Guevara was responding to class interests? For those uninterested are going to find at the University of Berlin, at the Sorbonne, in Havana, in the UBA and may in some cases in Mothers of Plaza de Mayo

How to deciding when to respond or not interest of certain classes? It was not easy, but good advice is to keep the subject's behavior, not words: We must begin to distinguish the practitioners of a conservative, liberal, Catholics, Communists, of mere scribes. The former are obviously ideology, from right to left thinking with their own heads, because to achieve real impact on knowledge should at least control their own ideological prejudices, try to prevent the condition, open to ideas and practices. Otherwise the bourgeoisie had not developed the way science did. Instead these scribes have no ideology, write to order. Follow commands. May be at the request of political power, as the market.
And it is very worrying greening of scribes at this time in Argentina, which seems to be a consequence of the incredible commodification, to which is added the institutionalization of grassroots organizations. I can assure that the latter is not even an Argentine invention, is a Swedish invention. You ask it, how he solved the Swedish social influence of the French May to late sixties. Just keep in mind that soybean yields more dividends to Swedish industry. Then

also applies to follow the action of men in the history Notice: José de San Martín, who was a professional of arms, freed American genius and talent, creativity, political courage, selflessness and, above all, by So after completing their mission, retired into exile without being involved in subsequent disputes. In his memorial of Boulogne Sur Mer says its best tribute, saying: "General Argentino relinquished power" that I know the other one was also resigned to Argentina, Che Guevara.

In contrast, Simon Bolivar, who was a farmer turned general, also had great talent, audacity and creativity to free America, but finish the job, kept fighting and fought to disarm indigenous farming communities, for ranchers. You grip on power by founding a republic which bears his name, imposed by the Creoles, not by Aborigines, Bolivia, dividing that Upper Peru, which was, along with Mexico, one of the most developed indigenous cultures. Accordingly, TRP, was entitled sanmartiniano, as well as Che Guevara, people who did not interest us personal power, but was hardly Bolivarian, the man who destroyed the indigenous community and Upper Peru in favor of a "native" ( daughter read English) and especially landowner "Great Colombia".

course, "sanmartiniano" sounds very close to the Argentine military because they have a foundation that name. Instead Bolivarian seems "more national and popular." Well, sorry, but I will not let me steal the military. All because in effect, the General San Martin was a commoner born in Corrientes, probably the son of an Indian, half-ascetic, rigorous training talented official, undisputed genius, comparable only to the great military history, whereas the other was an aristocratic landowner, known as pompous, linked to the ruling class in Venezuela, and some royal world come to general circumstances.

that the Argentine military to take the formality of the supposedly ascetic aspect of General San Martin, I have carelessly. I did not value people or by asceticism or by the directions. I can only worry about what resources are paid the rumba. But the undisputed merit of San Martin was giving up power after America liberated

For its part, Belgrano, attorney general had to take like not even know how to ride a horse in a country of Gauchos, he did so without hesitation and with unexpected efficiency. He dedicated his life to it, dying in poverty. Can you tell what class interests represented? Walked the same path Monteagudo, Castelli, Moreno himself.

Instead Rosas, who does not need to insist it was a big livestock organized the first "conquest of the desert to reclaim land for farming, repression of indigenous nationalists who systematically forget, even the" popular. " Sure, it was not genocide as Rock, the Indians who surrendered were favored place like feudal vassals on farms that still exist today in certain provinces.

This happened in general seems to have learned from the British to win all wars losing all the battles: Bartolomé Mitre was also a man conspiscuo defended oligarchy oligarchic interests, besides having led the War of Paraguay, action war of extermination, almost genocide, the most infamous in our history. However, on the other side and several other things, Mitre raided by historical discipline. Let's say that as a historian is not a genius, but not much worse than others. Mitre deny the competence as a historian he was a representative of the oligarchy, is like denying the talent of Balzac because he was a monarchist. Moreover Mitre was not so reactionary as Jose Maria Rosa, much less a repentant as Manuel Gálvez, who climbed the tree to the left and down the right. And frankly, gentlemen, if in a matter of ideas force me to choose, I'll stick to liberalism rather than with Catholicism. National and popular gentlemen, you seem to forget that Catholicism has always been and still is - synonymous with reaction. (Priests of the Third World are too recent and few)

Anyway .. what I mean is that the harmful conduct of Mitre as ruler, not as an intellectual disabled. Of it is not advisable to read his translation of Dante because, experts say, is so bad that there was an attempted declaration of war from Italy to Argentina for having offended the Italian culture. But despite that, Mitre has respectable historical texts. For some the banned Videla dictatorship "War of the Republiquetas" Bartolomé Mitre book that Che was in his backpack and Santucho always recommended. The very "Historia de San Martín" Mitre is not the summum of a story, but no worse than others, especially is much better than any written by dialectical materialists attribute the action of our General, that they relinquished power , his "objective" class position, to the point of denying their status almost desiring subject ..

The problem of so-called historical revisionism is rampant in our days by the Queen as scribes scribes of the market, not to their supposed different interpretation of history that would be good, an enrichment the possibility of interesting debates. No, the problem with these journalists, historians alleged that take serials like rabbits from the hat, is the lack of seriousness, unimaginable and gross superficial ideological, bastard historical facts for the sole purpose of justifying the present. It can no longer Mitre he died decades ago.

But also defends the history of writing fills of slapping, ie history is a discipline that cares only because he lives teaching: the revisionists do not understand how they learn. Notice, for example, with respect to British imperialism. Railroads were one of the symbols interference over the English in Argentina, an issue particularly denounced by Scalabrini Ortiz. Well, Perón was a wonderful act of unquestioned historical justice, an act that was worth more than tons of pages: nationalized. Grande
Perón, so big that even I erased the names they had put the British (Central Argentine Railway, South FC, FC Pacific, etc ... ..) and gave them national names, yes sir, good national names because they like it or not, these people were born in Argentina: Mitre, Sarmiento and Roca, and of course San Martin and Belgrano also. How do you explain this man who learned from Marx to be a nationalist Jew and always remember to Codovilla walking with an open umbrella on a sunny afternoon, as he explains, saying that General Peron in this magnificent act of historical justice, has christened with names of "traitors" like Mitre, Roca, and Sarmiento, the nationalized railways?

Stop, stop, do not follow invented ... not that the "oligarchy" Perón pushed ... I know I will explain: Why Perón was no revisionist, nor Rosas, nor anti-Semitic, or Catholic nationalist, Perón was Peronist, for better or for worse, Perón was primarily Peronist, and Peron was as free of bias as befits the great pragmatic era. That is a great case of immanence, did his work inspired by the divine or historical significance, but in its immanent will. Also, if anyone knew of history, not just national, but universal, was Perón. And he knew that those people are the major drivers of the railroads.

And finally for now, for better or for worse, "I am convinced that good because I am and always was a convinced internationalist," PRT "of Santucho" was primarily staunchly internationalist and class Guevara. The Populists, who were clearly in error in the PRT, which now bloom generously irrigated by this government have the right to make your own, right to self-criticism, repentance, or whatever they want, just ask that, by silence or omission, not appropriate for this part of history.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Maroon Christmas Decor


propose to reestablish Spain's monarchy with a constitutional contrareforma. Considered a virus harmful and undesirable citizens who have no capacity for sacrifice

owners of economic power have gone over the government and Parliament and led the king a proposal to "re-Spain (1), speaking as soon as possible to change the constitutional level and impose a new model of state."

As if the big companies have the right to act without taking into account the democratic will of the people, BSCH, BBVA, La Caixa, Telefónica, Repsol, E. ON, Endesa, Iberdrola, Prisa, Planeta another forty of the most important companies in the country have decided that "a cycle ends and another begins requiring structural changes and urgent." They believe that "the important thing is not having more or less rights but pacts of State to create and institutionalize a new driving scheme and planning of the country. "They raise the crown to submit to the major parties to" change the model state with effective and efficient mechanisms to ensure adequate and continuous alignment. "They demand for the model Counter-autonomous and require citizens "self-sacrifice (2) for a welfare state responsible urgent and thorough review of the pension system, labor market, collective bargaining, the procedures for hiring and firing costs and causes."

Banks and large companies insist that "change the model state is the most important decision in the transformation process to re Spain.
The arrogance of economic power against democracy.
a coup.

(1) Everis Foundation, chaired by Eduardo Serra, King presented the report Transform Spain sponsored by fifty large companies.

(2) The banks and the big companies are asking the city ability to adapt: \u200b\u200b"Whoever does not enter (because no
can or do not want) the paradigms of evolution Darwinian (continuous improvement and constant renewal) is doomed or, worse, to survive weighing on the rest of the system as a harmful and undesirable

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Flight Travel Shaving Set

Another earthquake in the euro area, by Robert Montoya,

Ireland and is sinking into debt as Spain. Today all Europe pays the consequences. In addition, Portugal is now the next candidate to suffer from getting the continental crisis lasted Soon peace in the eurozone shared by sixteen European countries. After the IMF and the European Central Bank (ECB) to Greece rescued from bankruptcy last May with a loan of 110,000 million euros to three years, under harsh economic and social conditions, European leaders in Brussels were photographed smiling, assuming closed the crisis. The European Union leaders claimed at the time that had been "calm financial markets, these abstract and also powerful global institutions showing daily stand above democratically constituted governments with capacity to make them stagger and speculative sink. only needed, they said then, that European governments disciplined, to implement drastic adjustment plans, with swingeing cuts in public spending and social achievements of the hundreds of millions of citizens. They began the ajustazos everywhere, regardless of whether the current government of this country or that carry the label of conservative, liberal, Labour, socialist or social democrat.
recipes differ little from them all. Economic guidelines in Brussels, where their headquarters to different institutions conducting the European Union, net ultraliberal court, apply to all mandatory and violations are punishable by themselves. Last Friday, six months after the rescue of Greece, a dozen technicians from the IMF, the ECB and EU representatives, landed in Dublin with their accounts on hand to explain the Irish Conservative government of Brian Cowen, the conditions to be met to be "rescued" . A Ireland is required to skyrocket your income tax, which is 12.5%, less than half the European average, restructure its banking system, to which the Government has guaranteed 100% of deposits, a decision strongly criticized by the EU and to tackle its budget deficit, 32%. The visitors will also review how very closely the details of the adjustment plan of 15,000 million dollars over the next four to be presented by the Irish Government in late November. To placate the nationalists of Owen resistance to international pressure, you probably remember that Ireland was no longer the poorest country in the European Union to become the second with the highest per capita income, which will eventually qualify of the "Celtic Tiger" due to millionaires Cohesion Funds contributed to the EU will enter the European community to solidify its economy and certified to standards of the rest of its partners. Ireland clouded, went into debt, and sank, like Spain, trapped the housing bubble. Today, the EU pays all these consequences and causes divisions among its members about the limits to be put to bailouts for countries in crisis due to irresponsibility. The Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou Social Democrat, criticized a few days ago, for example, Germany, by requiring banks to take some losses in the event of default by a country, to understand that the measure "creates a spiral of higher interest rates for countries in trouble. "
And immediately afterwards, Papandreou admitted to another group of experts from the IMF, ECB and the EU which also reviewed the march in Athens their adjustment plans, the deficit of 2009 had not been 13.6% as claimed by the Government, but of 15.4%. Therefore, the Government undertook to reduce the deficit this year by six points, through a reduction in spending on public hospitals and the reorganization of the Administration. Despite the supposed solution Greek case six months ago, the European Union has actually living under an attack of nerves, putting out fires here and there, trying to foresee what the next country infected. Portugal is today the most vulnerable to contagion from the crisis Irish. The Finance Minister Fernando Teixeira dos Santos, recognized the existence of "high risk" that his country is also obliged to resort to the Rescue Fund of the EU and the help of the IMF. Portuguese Foreign Minister Luis Amado, has acknowledged that the pact failed socialist government in a minority Social Democrat, opposed to the crisis, "Portugal could be forced to abandon the euro." It is the first EU government explicitly raised the possibility. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, warned just in the recent congress of his party, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) "There is much at stake, if the euro falls, Europe fell." According to the conservative leader, "the idea of \u200b\u200bEuropean values \u200b\u200band the unit will fail, an idea that gave strength and prosperity to our continent after the war and the destruction of the last century." For his part, Zapatero's government was quick to say that "Spain is not Ireland or Greece, which has a strong economy, its banking system is among the healthiest in Europe and, as extra security "markets" because it recognizes that the announced economic recovery is still imperceptible, adopt additional adjustment. A recently passed labor reforms soon will join the pension reform, tighter control of unemployment that charge much more than four million unemployed, a public enterprise sector rationing, which would have 77 companies rather than the current 106, a brutal cut to support alternative photovoltaic industry and a series of measures. The Socialist government of Rodriguez Zapatero is doing a good hand with the IMF, the ECB, the EU and the ubiquitous markets.
And after Ireland, who will?

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Why Does Alabama Have Numbers On Their Helment.

If you're a little kitchen disaster and only needed to survive, we have what you need!

Learn basic techniques and also very special recipes to surprise your guests in the kitchen course we have prepared Rodela.

There will be two theory sessions in which they cook a dish and a traditional market in each.
The students will practice what they learned in preparing the Christmas dinner.

It's time to take the plunge!

do you sign?

Contacts: Carmen 620689494 / Macarena: 661517032

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Is Subway Okay To Eat If You Have Gastritis

Puente Aereo

This Saturday at 20.00 pm we will have a new session in the Airlift Rodela.

As you know, this activity the guests are people who slash excellence in professional and personal. Therefore comment on their path to open up new horizons.

This time, we moved to the field of international relations. How do the international organizations in the world? How do you get to participate in these organizations?

To answer these questions, have the presence of Paloma Durán, Minister of Social Affairs United Nations.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Story Of Cellular Respiration

Obama torpedoed by the right, by Robert Montoya

self After the beating presidential election, the new Republican leader in the House of Representatives, John Boeghner warned that will determine the agenda and direction of government in the next two years .

only been 18 months since the arrival of Barack Obama into power and 52% of votes which clinched the White House seems to have disappeared. The American was punished at the polls in the first opportunity in the midterm congressional elections that took place last Tuesday.
The Democratic Party lost 60 seats in the House of Representatives, being in minority, and though he managed to maintain their majority in the Senate only by the minimum, there has also lost six seats, plus ten governorates. It's the worst defeat suffered by a president in the history of the United States, comparable only to that suffered by another Democrat, Bill Clinton, in 1994.
Since 1928 the Republicans had not achieved a similar victory in these elections.
"This beating me make it clear how important it is for a president leave the White House bubble," said Barack Obama. "As president, I accept responsibility," he added. If it seems strange to hear a head of state recognize their mistakes in a way so strongly, especially because she had done a mea culpa when he had not yet even finished voting in much of the elections. And what made Barack Obama, to the amazement of the journalists who were called much earlier than they thought their press conference.
As expected, the opposition Republican Party dealt a blow to the Government Obama and now threatens to use its majority in the House of Representatives to overturn some of the reforms Obama stars, among which is the reform health. The congressmen are exultant to be able to boycott from their seats as much initiative attempt carry out the president, in both national and international.
The new chairman of the House of Representatives, John Boeghner, has described as "monstrous" recently passed health care reform, ensuring that "change course." One change that could also affect the fight against climate change, Obama attempts to close the Guantanamo prison, plans nuclear disarmament with Russia, U.S. policy toward Iran or other key actions planned by the current administration. The fact of not having achieved a majority in the Senate now difficult for the Republican offensive to be complete, since their proposals or a possible impeachment to the president, require the approval of the Senate.
The aggressive campaign of the Republican Party and especially its rising tide ultramontane, the Tea Party has paid off. At least 16 Republican members of Congress now elected, as well as six senators and six governors were nominated by the Tea Party led by Sarah Palin.
The economic crisis has cut its margin of action and the internal division of the Democratic Party has existed since the beginning of Obama's mandate must be added another negative factor that influenced their electoral defeat, the Supreme Court's decision to lift existing constraints to private companies to finance the campaigns of candidates. The powerful lobbies affected by some of the reforms and projects proposed by Democrats bet big on this occasion. And the people have shown overwhelmingly that they do not want in any case to increase the role of government and public spending at the expense of private interests.
seems clear that, even though the Democratic Party is all that is defeated in this election result, more defeated his power remains left over, the Progressive Caucuss. Obama, far from listening to their demands to radicalize their positions and end with its ambiguities, support more along the lines expected to moderate and centrist in his party, in an attempt to connect to the desire shown by the citizens with their votes.
is no coincidence that the olive branch held out quickly Obama to the Republican Party. "No party will have the ability to dictate what to do, we must look for areas of consensus on the major challenges facing the country," Obama said, adding: "I look forward to sitting down with members of both parties."
These statements received by the Republicans as a sign of weakness that has been the ruling party, are in a sense antagonistic to that until now defended by Progressive Caucus. For this, the president, with his willingness to dialogue with the extreme Republicans, has only decaffeinated program proposals Democrats point to erase them completely, without receiving anything for the Republican Party. In contrast, Republicans are increasingly radicalized over the past year and a half, about to give birth to an internal current ultra-conservative as the Tea Party.
The miracle Obama has started to leak a lot sooner than people thought and the prospects of reelection in 2012 far away now.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

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Obama, the way to a defeat by Roberto Montoya, Argentina

All polls predict a hurricane Republican legislative elections Barack Obama walk for weeks with his head down road to the electoral gallows. A week after the elections next Tuesday 2, with a popularity rating fall from 70% to 45%, admitted defeat in advance in the TV show progressive Daily Show comedian Jon Stewart. "People are frustrated," said the president. And as timid apology said: "There are things that people do not know we did." An apology that sounds strange coming from the mouth of communications expert par excellence. To try to prove that all is not lost, Obama said in that interview: "We never said we could get all our objectives in 18 months."

In these mid-term elections for which you have to spend every U.S. President is elected 435 members of the House of Representatives and one third of the 100 that make up the Senate for 38 governors, as occur simultaneously several local and regional elections. All polls predict a tsunami Republican sweep in both houses and the main battleground states, leaving tied to Obama in their final two years in office and aborting (slips, the Republicans do not abort) your chances of being reelected in 2012. The cause of this defeat announced, this accelerated wear as Obama miracle half a world clouded only a couple of years, can not be attributed solely to the already devastating effects of global capitalist crisis, which arose precisely United States. Without being any radical, if one attends to international standards, Obama it is for the United States. It was too

a party like the Democrats, conservative, pro-slavery and anti-black since he was born in 1824 and for several decades, to the point of being the backbone of the Ku Klux Klan (President Harry Truman recognized member of the KKK) evolved during the twentieth century towards a progressive positions, changing roles with the Republican Party (both born in the same trunk, the Democratic-Republican) and arrive in the XXI century to nominate a black presidential candidate. Too much change, yes.
But Barack Obama has not only faced since it took office on January 20, 2009 the aggressive harassment and boycotting of the Republican Party and the main lobbies, which have great power of influence.

No, Obama, despite being voted overwhelmingly in its internal match against its great rival, Hillary Clinton, the current Secretary of State does not have the support of all Democrats or less. This was seen in the rejection members of his own Cabinet to investigate the serious human rights violations committed by the Bush Administration under the "war on terror", was in his frustrating battle to close Guantanamo, and turned to check on the debate health reform, which ended decaffeinated as little remained of his original idea.
Several political families that coexist within the Democratic Party and Obama play a Bonapartist role, balancing between each other. Last Thursday, in the prestigious blog The Caucus The New York Times, analyst Michael D. Shear explained the pressures that Obama suffered within his own party, and the weight have different trends. "Is Obama too shy?" Shear titled his note. And he explained that this was a critical sector making it the most "liberal" Democrats, who in America is equivalent to progressive or left. Shear explained that the most liberal or left of the Democratic Party, the Progressive Caucus, with 78 members in the House of Representatives (out of 255 Democrats) pressured the president to be more radical in their program. This sector asked to support them, "a smaller and more cohesive caucus." But the so-called Blue Dogs and the New Democrats, the current of the moderates and centrists, accumulate 105 seats in the Chamber, the majority in the Democratic Caucus. Barack Obama know, therefore, that although his ideology is closer to the Progressive Caucus, indispensably required the support of the other two schools to try out your program later. Shear recalls in his analysis, to make matters worse, that according to a recent Gallup poll, 42% of Americans say they are "conservative" 35% "moderate" and only 20 claimed "liberal." With these internal and external figures on the table, Obama does not have much to celebrate. In recent weeks has focused on remodeling his Cabinet, in an attempt to attack those most immediate problems confronting our citizens. This fact is well known for the Republican Party and hence the euphoria and radicalization. They currently have 178 seats in the House of Representatives and 41 in the Senate, but they are sure to get a majority in both chambers.

Since Obama came to power, the Republican Party radicalized his speech and had the Tea Party, a movement with cavemen values, ultra-conservative, xenophobic and homophobic, sworn enemy of all that strikes a staunch advocate State of weapons, which has been growing like wildfire across the country.
Led by Sarah Palin, former governor of Alaska and former vice presidential candidate in tandem with John McCain in the election that Obama won in a short time has become a powerful current within the Republican Party. Palin publicly acknowledged that he will fight within his party to be the Republican nominee for president in 2012. Tuesday's elections will give a first guideline on how close the Republicans are returning to the White House.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

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The pseudo liberalism cries Kirchner, a continuation of the model

The reflections that follow are dedicated to my friends Kirchner, convinced them that leaves a "revolutionary fighter for his country." I know some concepts nasty fall, but I think that as we have the freedom to express our ideas, we have an obligation to report the model, model, too bad that despite my friends Kirchner, continues to generate social inequality, poverty and marginalization.

by Rubén Kotler
No half measures when it comes to define a political project. There is capitalism with a human face, as there is no alternative model that can only be defined as such in the discursive. The death of former President Nestor Kirchner should serve time to rethink a number of issues that accompany organic intellectuals are unwilling to think, live and eat simply because the model. In the seven years since the Kirchner in power has not changed the economic model held in this country since 1966 to date. It must be said without euphemisms and calling things by their name, the model of capitalist production is still dominant in the social, economic, political and cultural in our country. I think those who claim otherwise do not understand how certain relationships, but also refuse to look at the data of reality with enough intelligence to see that nothing has changed little and so questioned regarding the 90 model. And it just has not changed since the late former President Kirchner is the son of that model. Governor of Santa Cruz during the hard years of Menem, Kirchner did not know to object to the model during these years, accompanying even the wave of privatization of strategic state enterprises as Oilfield Fiscales (YPF). In addition we have all seen a picture of embracing Kirchner Menem, both followed by the look of Cristina.

In this would be good to remember. Not only is it belongs to a generation to say that the ideals of this generation are governing. Kirchner behind it does not meet the spirit of the seventies, even speech that seeks the opposite. Kirchner meets the spirit of 90, a country at the mercy of the market, when, for example, choose to pay the debt. Kirchner does not synthesize the spirit of the generation that sought to transform the world far from those ideals as transformers of society, the now defunct Peronist leader has held the economic and social model of the Washington consensus. If a spirit seventies said the presidential couple has been the pride and arrogance montonera, who always believed that to take the world ahead.

Without Jorge Julio López NO HUMAN RIGHTS

The appeared to be the main flag Kirchner has quickly become a trivialization of a topic as deep as transcendent. Human rights K administration, and even if there were co-opted to certain human rights organizations such as the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo Grandmothers or some regional CHILDREN, makes water everywhere.
The progress has not only been slow but so far only been tried a small dome of dictators in his deathbed that close to any power, ignoring that justice for this must come to all categories of equipment repressive involved in the systematic violation fundamental rights. Kirchner
used and abused human rights, those who so much we have been concerned in much of the popular field. But also, and to continue to exercise our right to memory, it seems that right taken from us, we have won, while Jorge Julio López does not appear to life all human rights discourse sinks to drift and does not hold itself . Kirchnerismo apologetics have forgotten López. Neither
6,7,8, government programs and public television ultrakirchnerista (one that should be of everyone in the country and not only of the ruling caste) blablabla Nestor and Cristina, towering as the saviors of the country, placing bronze idols but which have completely forgotten that a companion of the popular field is missing. Jorge Julio López is missing and this, in an administration that says human rights defender is inadmissible.
A democracy disappeared worth the same as 30,000 disappeared during the dictatorship. One of the popular companion is as good as everyone disappeared. And it is to get one of appearance but is followed by life, one that claimed so many years human rights organizations today, some of which are an integral part of Project K. Neither of these organizations I have come to hear the claim of the appearance López alive. And that appearance is a state responsibility.

Moyano, picture of the Triple A, Kirchner's political support

From the political kirchnerismo not able to build a progressive alliance relying on the less dangerous characters as dark as the trucker Hugo Moyano. Should remind the Kirchnerism apologetic, those flags gullible human rights, Moyano's fascist past, accused of a close associate of the Triple Alliance anticommunist vigilante group that killed dozens of political leaders, workers, students and union during the Peronist interregnum Isabel Martinez de Peron. Moyano met the gang of Mar del Plata and today enjoys immunity and impunity to sit next to the presidential box as official ceremony there. Nestor Kirchner built this alliance and others no less complex sustained about unholy ties. I eg kirchnerismo relations with the governor of Tucumán, an employer clearly associated with class interests with the global capitalist power, whose strength lies in the money and not in the political construction of an idea man Kirchner has been with the project because he could read perfectly the pattern of power between the central administration of the Casa Rosada with interior.
Alperovich, spoiled child at times of the now defunct former president, in the northern province maintains a system of patronage based on pre-election gifts.
Kirchner also represents the kind of politics, a quasi-feudal held in Santa Cruz while he headed the government for three consecutive terms. In addition and if this were not enough, now Argentina's Kirchner, about 5000 are social activists and political prisoners in Argentine prisons, allegations that never transcend the mass media. Much less on Public TV, a platform from which to sell an image Kirchnerism absolutely knew fantasy of itself.

poverty and marginalization

is true that from 2003 to date has reduced poverty and marginalization. But neither has been a transformational change in social relations or the mode of production and without that change, slum cords surrounding large urban centers not only will not turn but continue as usual and there, precisely those areas of absolute poverty, where there is not only patronage but also Kirchner's allies. Tucumán is a good example. No need to stray too far from the great capital city to warn that the so-called slums (slums, slums, favelas) not only changed but have not been reproduced. Easier said than done is a huge stretch and speech "progress" of the Kirchner is not consistent with the amount of people begging at traffic lights, the kids that ride on the bus to ask for a coin or the amount of glass cleaner that subsist thanks to the perseverance of spending hours and hours in a corner at the mercy of all hazards. Extreme poverty is not fought with social plans circumstantial but a true political revolutionary transformation in the distribution of wealth in the mode of production and the social, political and cultural. Without these changes any social plan is not only output step, but only serves as a hunting ground on election day.
If the structure does not change the dignity of human beings most affected by the system will still depend on official gift. And neither Kirchner nor his wife wanted to transform this system as it is part of their own electoral barrage. If the official project is the gift and not the change of structures, then we can not conclude anything. Kirchner then no longer any fundamental change that the country intends to make changes. It is pointless for the country to grow at the macro if that growth does not reach the ordinary citizen, much less whether those citizens living on the street.

Without revolution there is no transformation

Kirchner was not a revolutionary. It is not his widow, the country's president, Cristina Fernandez. Not even think they can fall into the category of reformers. It is not revolutionary who proposes to co-opt social organizations, not revolutionary who pays illegal and illegitimate debt to repay to forget all the domestic debt is not revolutionary who decides not to change the structures, not revolutionary who did not even propose the construction a socialist country. Nestor Kirchner was not a revolutionary. Not even a reformer. True pseudoprogresismo has settled recently, with fireworks, with a little noise. When the country was able to be transformed revolutionary history (again) Kirchner made his own business and filled his pockets and those of his family at the expense of the hunger of many Argentines. No report is propagandistic, it is part of a reality that pseudoprogresistas not want to see. The
Kirchner Cristina now at the helm, are owners of great riches, wealth as mere lawyers could not have done ever. As honest politicians either. Much could be done in this country in 7 years in office. Could have been selected to health, unhealthy state today, could have been selected to retirement and think about the historical struggle liabilities of 82% mobile, claim history of a doubly vulnerable sector of the capitalist system, because it is true that pensions have increased, but it is also true that the National Institute of Statistics and Census (INDEC) can not draw the numbers inflation that we now simply a retired worker with the least can not get to make ends meet on the basics, not to mention health, if you must be treated by a highly complex treatment, the better to reserve land in the cemetery. Education continues in a backward way, teachers' salaries have fallen behind compared to the same inflation. And we could go a state of affairs are not consistent with the proclamations of change in today mourn pseudoprogresistas Nestor Kirchner.
The country has not changed and a number of things must be rethought and debated. Not since the quasi-fascist sectarianism retrograde right, not the schematic closed some left parties but also from a kirchnerismo as I said and I maintain he has done nothing to change the system.
The model has not changed. The country also. The speeches are not revolutionaries. Actions can be.

Epilogue, while closing the drawer
I have not placed or happy or sad with the death of Nestor Kirchner. I was indifferent. The I have been outraged if the bunch of sycophants, organic intellectuals who have wished us to believe that the deceased could be compared to Che Guevara. Kirchner was the improvement of the system. This is why the system has sustained. Good student who has paid their bills. The hypocrisy of some who have benefited from the Kirchnerism today constantly paraded on state television. A turn on the right, retrograde only understandable as long as Kirchner has done nothing, absolutely nothing, to build another model indeed social, a model built from the grassroots and the grassroots level, without patronage, without prioritizing debt on the actual external debt to be settled urgent: domestic debt. But from other fields and with other discourses and other practices, we are going to continue to report from here that nothing has changed and that everything should be turned revolutionary. Otherwise we will have lost a new generation of Argentines and we regret that we have not been able to read reality as it happened back in December 2001. The danger, of course, is to return the usual. And a new resurgence Kirchner pseudoprogresistas transformed back and lose my memory again. Already happened with the Alliance in 99. You can re-spend in 2011 ... or earlier.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

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Vector Push


The thrust vector is a modern technique applied to an airplane engine can gain maneuverability and maneuvers that are not possible with other conventional.

Its operation is very simple: the outlet nozzles are mobile and controllable motro thus redirects the engine exhaust gases to the desired direction.
This system avoids forcing the control surfaces (ailerons, rudder ...) and the thrust vector runs parallel with the flight controls.

thrust vectoring (Animation)

Reactor with thrust vectoring in a test. Note the different possible flows in the form of propulsion than (\u0026lt;)

Video: Mig-29 performing a test flight and demonstrating the superiority in combat thanks to the vector drive.
