Sunday, October 31, 2010

Samantha 38g Full Length Movies

The pseudo liberalism cries Kirchner, a continuation of the model

The reflections that follow are dedicated to my friends Kirchner, convinced them that leaves a "revolutionary fighter for his country." I know some concepts nasty fall, but I think that as we have the freedom to express our ideas, we have an obligation to report the model, model, too bad that despite my friends Kirchner, continues to generate social inequality, poverty and marginalization.

by Rubén Kotler
No half measures when it comes to define a political project. There is capitalism with a human face, as there is no alternative model that can only be defined as such in the discursive. The death of former President Nestor Kirchner should serve time to rethink a number of issues that accompany organic intellectuals are unwilling to think, live and eat simply because the model. In the seven years since the Kirchner in power has not changed the economic model held in this country since 1966 to date. It must be said without euphemisms and calling things by their name, the model of capitalist production is still dominant in the social, economic, political and cultural in our country. I think those who claim otherwise do not understand how certain relationships, but also refuse to look at the data of reality with enough intelligence to see that nothing has changed little and so questioned regarding the 90 model. And it just has not changed since the late former President Kirchner is the son of that model. Governor of Santa Cruz during the hard years of Menem, Kirchner did not know to object to the model during these years, accompanying even the wave of privatization of strategic state enterprises as Oilfield Fiscales (YPF). In addition we have all seen a picture of embracing Kirchner Menem, both followed by the look of Cristina.

In this would be good to remember. Not only is it belongs to a generation to say that the ideals of this generation are governing. Kirchner behind it does not meet the spirit of the seventies, even speech that seeks the opposite. Kirchner meets the spirit of 90, a country at the mercy of the market, when, for example, choose to pay the debt. Kirchner does not synthesize the spirit of the generation that sought to transform the world far from those ideals as transformers of society, the now defunct Peronist leader has held the economic and social model of the Washington consensus. If a spirit seventies said the presidential couple has been the pride and arrogance montonera, who always believed that to take the world ahead.

Without Jorge Julio López NO HUMAN RIGHTS

The appeared to be the main flag Kirchner has quickly become a trivialization of a topic as deep as transcendent. Human rights K administration, and even if there were co-opted to certain human rights organizations such as the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo Grandmothers or some regional CHILDREN, makes water everywhere.
The progress has not only been slow but so far only been tried a small dome of dictators in his deathbed that close to any power, ignoring that justice for this must come to all categories of equipment repressive involved in the systematic violation fundamental rights. Kirchner
used and abused human rights, those who so much we have been concerned in much of the popular field. But also, and to continue to exercise our right to memory, it seems that right taken from us, we have won, while Jorge Julio López does not appear to life all human rights discourse sinks to drift and does not hold itself . Kirchnerismo apologetics have forgotten López. Neither
6,7,8, government programs and public television ultrakirchnerista (one that should be of everyone in the country and not only of the ruling caste) blablabla Nestor and Cristina, towering as the saviors of the country, placing bronze idols but which have completely forgotten that a companion of the popular field is missing. Jorge Julio López is missing and this, in an administration that says human rights defender is inadmissible.
A democracy disappeared worth the same as 30,000 disappeared during the dictatorship. One of the popular companion is as good as everyone disappeared. And it is to get one of appearance but is followed by life, one that claimed so many years human rights organizations today, some of which are an integral part of Project K. Neither of these organizations I have come to hear the claim of the appearance López alive. And that appearance is a state responsibility.

Moyano, picture of the Triple A, Kirchner's political support

From the political kirchnerismo not able to build a progressive alliance relying on the less dangerous characters as dark as the trucker Hugo Moyano. Should remind the Kirchnerism apologetic, those flags gullible human rights, Moyano's fascist past, accused of a close associate of the Triple Alliance anticommunist vigilante group that killed dozens of political leaders, workers, students and union during the Peronist interregnum Isabel Martinez de Peron. Moyano met the gang of Mar del Plata and today enjoys immunity and impunity to sit next to the presidential box as official ceremony there. Nestor Kirchner built this alliance and others no less complex sustained about unholy ties. I eg kirchnerismo relations with the governor of Tucumán, an employer clearly associated with class interests with the global capitalist power, whose strength lies in the money and not in the political construction of an idea man Kirchner has been with the project because he could read perfectly the pattern of power between the central administration of the Casa Rosada with interior.
Alperovich, spoiled child at times of the now defunct former president, in the northern province maintains a system of patronage based on pre-election gifts.
Kirchner also represents the kind of politics, a quasi-feudal held in Santa Cruz while he headed the government for three consecutive terms. In addition and if this were not enough, now Argentina's Kirchner, about 5000 are social activists and political prisoners in Argentine prisons, allegations that never transcend the mass media. Much less on Public TV, a platform from which to sell an image Kirchnerism absolutely knew fantasy of itself.

poverty and marginalization

is true that from 2003 to date has reduced poverty and marginalization. But neither has been a transformational change in social relations or the mode of production and without that change, slum cords surrounding large urban centers not only will not turn but continue as usual and there, precisely those areas of absolute poverty, where there is not only patronage but also Kirchner's allies. Tucumán is a good example. No need to stray too far from the great capital city to warn that the so-called slums (slums, slums, favelas) not only changed but have not been reproduced. Easier said than done is a huge stretch and speech "progress" of the Kirchner is not consistent with the amount of people begging at traffic lights, the kids that ride on the bus to ask for a coin or the amount of glass cleaner that subsist thanks to the perseverance of spending hours and hours in a corner at the mercy of all hazards. Extreme poverty is not fought with social plans circumstantial but a true political revolutionary transformation in the distribution of wealth in the mode of production and the social, political and cultural. Without these changes any social plan is not only output step, but only serves as a hunting ground on election day.
If the structure does not change the dignity of human beings most affected by the system will still depend on official gift. And neither Kirchner nor his wife wanted to transform this system as it is part of their own electoral barrage. If the official project is the gift and not the change of structures, then we can not conclude anything. Kirchner then no longer any fundamental change that the country intends to make changes. It is pointless for the country to grow at the macro if that growth does not reach the ordinary citizen, much less whether those citizens living on the street.

Without revolution there is no transformation

Kirchner was not a revolutionary. It is not his widow, the country's president, Cristina Fernandez. Not even think they can fall into the category of reformers. It is not revolutionary who proposes to co-opt social organizations, not revolutionary who pays illegal and illegitimate debt to repay to forget all the domestic debt is not revolutionary who decides not to change the structures, not revolutionary who did not even propose the construction a socialist country. Nestor Kirchner was not a revolutionary. Not even a reformer. True pseudoprogresismo has settled recently, with fireworks, with a little noise. When the country was able to be transformed revolutionary history (again) Kirchner made his own business and filled his pockets and those of his family at the expense of the hunger of many Argentines. No report is propagandistic, it is part of a reality that pseudoprogresistas not want to see. The
Kirchner Cristina now at the helm, are owners of great riches, wealth as mere lawyers could not have done ever. As honest politicians either. Much could be done in this country in 7 years in office. Could have been selected to health, unhealthy state today, could have been selected to retirement and think about the historical struggle liabilities of 82% mobile, claim history of a doubly vulnerable sector of the capitalist system, because it is true that pensions have increased, but it is also true that the National Institute of Statistics and Census (INDEC) can not draw the numbers inflation that we now simply a retired worker with the least can not get to make ends meet on the basics, not to mention health, if you must be treated by a highly complex treatment, the better to reserve land in the cemetery. Education continues in a backward way, teachers' salaries have fallen behind compared to the same inflation. And we could go a state of affairs are not consistent with the proclamations of change in today mourn pseudoprogresistas Nestor Kirchner.
The country has not changed and a number of things must be rethought and debated. Not since the quasi-fascist sectarianism retrograde right, not the schematic closed some left parties but also from a kirchnerismo as I said and I maintain he has done nothing to change the system.
The model has not changed. The country also. The speeches are not revolutionaries. Actions can be.

Epilogue, while closing the drawer
I have not placed or happy or sad with the death of Nestor Kirchner. I was indifferent. The I have been outraged if the bunch of sycophants, organic intellectuals who have wished us to believe that the deceased could be compared to Che Guevara. Kirchner was the improvement of the system. This is why the system has sustained. Good student who has paid their bills. The hypocrisy of some who have benefited from the Kirchnerism today constantly paraded on state television. A turn on the right, retrograde only understandable as long as Kirchner has done nothing, absolutely nothing, to build another model indeed social, a model built from the grassroots and the grassroots level, without patronage, without prioritizing debt on the actual external debt to be settled urgent: domestic debt. But from other fields and with other discourses and other practices, we are going to continue to report from here that nothing has changed and that everything should be turned revolutionary. Otherwise we will have lost a new generation of Argentines and we regret that we have not been able to read reality as it happened back in December 2001. The danger, of course, is to return the usual. And a new resurgence Kirchner pseudoprogresistas transformed back and lose my memory again. Already happened with the Alliance in 99. You can re-spend in 2011 ... or earlier.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

License For Excavator Canada

Vector Push


The thrust vector is a modern technique applied to an airplane engine can gain maneuverability and maneuvers that are not possible with other conventional.

Its operation is very simple: the outlet nozzles are mobile and controllable motro thus redirects the engine exhaust gases to the desired direction.
This system avoids forcing the control surfaces (ailerons, rudder ...) and the thrust vector runs parallel with the flight controls.

thrust vectoring (Animation)

Reactor with thrust vectoring in a test. Note the different possible flows in the form of propulsion than (\u0026lt;)

Video: Mig-29 performing a test flight and demonstrating the superiority in combat thanks to the vector drive.


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Dual Form Acrylic Nails

The woman, double victim of war. At 10 years of Resolution 1325

55 years after its creation, the UN found that women were doubly victimized in wars, and in 2000 passed a resolution to protect it. In its anniversary imposing a balance

(Statement of Robert Montoya in the round table Oct. 15 organized by the Euro-Arab Foundation at the Library of Reina Sofia Museum in Madrid, the Festival of El Ojo Cojo Film, Short and Documentary)

These days marks 10 years since the adoption of UN Resolution 1325, and thanks to this instrument and other subsequent supplemental also very important United Nations has begun to incorporate much of its agencies, missions and activities, the problem of gender violence specifically linked to armed conflicts and periods of construction and maintenance of peace.

days ago, in early October, representatives of United Nations unveiled in Madrid, in the framework of the seminar "Effective tools for equity in development, three out of women worldwide have undergone male violence at some point in their lives. The UN makes clear that half of those attacks were sexist the age of 16. In the XXI century it is estimated that 140 million and adolescents suffer genital mutilation, that 30 million children living on the streets, exposed to sexual violence.

Ten million girls worldwide are forced to marry before 12 years, 86 million girls grow up with no education, thousands of girls in Afghanistan are attacked by the Taliban for daring to go to school girls' schools are considered military targets.

More than 5,000 women die annually in the world who are victims of so-called "honor killing" carried out by their own families.

There are wars like Afghanistan in the West used to form opportunistic propagandist and the stifling oppression of women as a sign of Taliban cruelty of the enemy, but nine years later, their situation, while recognizing certain progress on the sinister Taliban period has not improved in a more radical because of the backward, corrupt and authoritarian government of Hamid Karzai to power aupado U.S. and its allies.

In Iraq, after seven years of war, and hundreds of thousands of deaths later, the U.S. and its allies claimed victory, claiming to have stabilized the country, but women have lost ground in terms of rights and their role in society. Historically, Iraqi women had been won important rights, far more advanced than in other neighboring countries have a great role in the political and social life. It had its heyday during the 70's, paradoxically, under the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein ..

wars, whether in Africa, Asia, Middle East or anywhere in the world, are greatly exacerbating the levels of sexual violence against girls and women.

These attacks, these crimes are unfortunately not Isolated cases featuring handfuls of soldiers or militiamen psychopaths one side or another. They are part and parcel of the war.

Women are still as primitive wars substantial part of the spoils of war. With attacks on hundreds of thousands of girls and women in countries like Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo and many others, not only the direct victims traumatized for life, it triggers the number of unwanted pregnancies and the virus spreads AIDS. Also manages to humiliate and denigrate an entire community.

In continents like Africa, where women from rural areas plays a key economic, social and family life, more than in other parts of the world, the consequences of systematic and massive violations are even greater.

As reported organizations working in the area, after being raped, women of a community, in fear, stop going to reap the most remote areas and do not come to market, thereby altering economic life of families and communities, further deepening their extreme poverty.

So, for all that bleak picture that is presented to women, since childhood, in many countries even today, any progress that's important. You can not underestimate the steps slowly and unevenly being made in many quarters, spurred by Resolution 1325. But you can not overestimate the belief that their very existence is in itself guarantee a profound, radical, worldwide.

Many programs being implemented by various UN agencies or NGOs supported by the United Nations in many countries, increased the incentive, a palpable change in the situation of many women affected by conflict, harsh droughts, famines, women displaced from their homes and villages Women huddled in refugee camps in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean.

know that approves United Nations resolutions and often promotes international treaties on various subjects, on torture, rights of children on the control of weapons of all kinds, on racism, on environmental protection and some others, which, strictly adhered to, would make the planet a more just and equitable to live.

But we also know that the commonwealth of nations, the largest in the world where 192 countries are represented, is far from perfect, is far from being ruled collectively, democratically by its member states and not by a handful of powers are pushing constantly for their own interests, applying double standards themselves violate treaties against torture or the Geneva Conventions, and used systematically, as the U.S. decades ago, their right to vote, to prevent the implementation of those resolutions passed overwhelmingly that they are harmful to themselves or their allies.

We should not be surprising therefore that these serious limitations of the UN often shows are also extended to the issue the implementation of resolution 1325 and all legislation in defense of women exists.

UN Inconsistencies

How is it possible to understand, if not, that in 62 years of peacekeeping operations the UN had been only seven women with a range of special representative of Secretary General of United Nations for any mission, or that there are only two women in the 40-person team that make up the General Secretariat? This, paradoxically, despite the fact that Resolution 1325, in his text urges the Secretary-General UN and Member States to ensure an increase of women in all areas of peacebuilding, as well as special envoys character.

How is it possible that ten years after the adoption of resolution 1325, only 20 countries, including Spain, have decided to carry out a specific action plan on the subject, and that of these only 11 are under development? And this after a decade.

How is it possible to go unpunished violations and abuses committed by girls and women Helmets blue "specifically charged to protect, to lead by example. Many of these women have been raped by militiamen or soldiers in wartime and when we take refuge in a UN camp or being in an area controlled by the "blue helmets" relive this nightmare. And this was neither a case or two, but many in different countries and hundreds of "blue helmets" of different nationalities involved.

In calling Machel Report, prepared by Grace Machel, former Minister of Education and Culture of Mozambique and wife of Nelson Mandela, the UN acknowledged publicly for the first time in 1996, responsibility its "blue helmets" in rape, trafficking of women and child abuse in missions undertaken in Angola, Mozambique, Bosnia, Croatia, Somalia, Rwanda and Cambodia.

This was before the 1325 resolution, yes, but he turned to producing in Haiti since 2004, and in Sudan, especially in the Darfur region and in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where the very UN acknowledged in a report in 2005 that there were 105 complaints against blue helmets, who took advantage of Congolese women and girls desperate for sex with them in exchange for food or coins.

How can we reconcile the UN resolution 1325 with the Convention on Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations, in force since 1946, which establishes that the recipient of "blue helmets" can not judge them on their territory even if they make the crime or crimes?

What the UN is doing such complaints before then? The Office of Internal Oversight of the UN is responsible for investigating whether a "blue helmet" has violated an internal text called "Ten Rules: Code of Personal Conduct for Blue Helmets."

What do you do the Office of Internal Oversight to confirm the allegations? The UN tribunal has no internal, so that their only option is to give the "blue helmets" to their country of origin to the judge.

So far only a couple of cases this took shape in the "blue helmets" Italian who had served in Somalia, although there are already hundreds and hundreds of soldiers reported. In most cases, only to return home ahead of "blue helmet" aggressor, without it unfit to participate in what other country missions in the future.

remains very, very much to do yet in all institutions at all levels, to eradicate this scourge. And sexual violence, despite how serious it is, is not the only problem to address. It is necessary for women to participate actively in peace processes, starting with the very institutions that planned and carried out.

English Deputy Prime Minister Maria Teresa Fernandez de la Vega, defended in January at the conference "Women, Peace and Security" held in Brussels by the European Commission and NATO, a proposal to establish Contributions ensure that women participate at all levels, civil and military, in peace processes and conflict resolution. It is not the only one that has been proposed in international bodies. But the idea went nowhere, and the first to reject it "unrealistic", it was the secretary general of NATO, Andres Roghair Rasmussen. The maximum head of NATO said it was impossible to achieve something within the Atlantic Alliance given "national traditions from which we started."

And that ended the discussion.

is to recognize that Spain has the dual mission of military women Outside the European Union average, which may help to have a greater sensitivity to address an issue as assaults on women. Currently between 7% and 9% of soldiers that Spain has engaged in peacekeeping missions are women, while the average in the European Union as a whole is only 4%.

is an encouraging sign for Spain in this matter, as is encouraging a case like Liberia. In a country like that, immersed in a bloody war since the early 90's until 2003, with over 250,000 fatalities, with a high number of violations, one in 10 raped women younger than 5 years the long struggle of women has begun to bear fruit. They, with their street protests, with mass demonstrations, played a key role in ending war and building peace.

Today Liberia is president, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Africa's first female president. Through its work and that of many women's organizations, today 20% of the personnel of the Liberian security forces are women.

Two years ago Liberia was created in the first court specializing in gender violence throughout Africa.

From this month, Liberia has with a Freedom of Information Act, the first also in Africa. And that the UN has financed the Liberian Women Democracy Radio, which has increased capacity to broadcast nationwide.

data are certainly encouraging, but the road is still long and for progress in a sustained manner worldwide is essential to emphasize the social and media pressure on politicians and all institutions international. And like all battles fought by real equality of women, can not be just a battle of women themselves, but a battle of women and men, because she is playing an aspect essential to the future we want for humanity.

Roberto Montoya

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Zuma Sailboat For Sale

How do Flaps and Slats? Aviation's future


What are they?
are some aerodynamic surfaces located on the wings that extend to increase the lift of an airplane. These are activated during takeoff and landing.

Where are you? And how do they work?

The flaps are located on the trailing edge of the wing.

Operation is very simple: They stretch and bend down a hydraulic system powered by modifying the symmetry of the wing.
effects they produce:
  • Increased lift. Increased
  • resistance. Some
  • increase wing area.
  • Chance to fly at lower speeds without stalling.
  • less is required runway length in takeoffs and landings.
  • The approach path becomes more pronounced.
  • create a tendency to bite.
  • At the time of the plane deflection tends to rise and lose speed.
How do I turn?

was activated from the cockpit through a lever on the pedestal next to the levers of the engines. This lever has a number of positions depending on the pitch we want the flaps adopt.
There is an indicator in the cockpit that indicates the position of the flaps. This tool is essential, as the drivers have no other means to verify the operation of the flaps.
Types of flaps


What are they?
mobile devices are creating a gap between the edge of the wing and the rest of the plane.

Where are you? And how do they work?
are located on the edge of the wing.
Its operation is similar to the flaps, the channel to the top surface deflect a stream of high velocity air increases lift allowing to reach higher angles of attack without stalling.

How do I turn?
operate in conjunction with The slats and flaps have three positions: retracted, extension
average and total length, depending on the choice of flap. Flaps and Slats Both are operated uniformly by the same palace.


Monday, October 11, 2010

Fake North Face Isabella


Aviation has changed its shape over the years to get to where we already have invented everything. What can you imagine anything more technologically advanced than a a380? Today
technological improvements are oriented to efficiency and savings to try to reduce both pollution.

The research concludes that if we want even more efficient aviation aircraft design must make a transformation and new forms moving away from the conventional tube with wings.

Designs FESTO

Video: AirPenguin

Festo Festo is a technological development and automation proposes a series of futuristic flying designs inspired by nature:

Festo AirJelly

Festo AirRay  

Festo AirPenguin

These three models are flying, are based on existing forms and movements in animals.
The source of support for these models is a central tank of helium, thus functioning like a dirigible.
and fluttering movements are controlled by servo motors that drive the engine and only fed a small battery of 4.5 V.
These designs are one of the many innovative devices that the company has developed.

X-48B Nasa

NASA centers also their new designs on a delta wing, which minimizes resistance and improves aerodynamics. And we proposed the future of commercial aviation with the X-48B model .

Airbus plane concept

Airbus also looks to the future and we introduced the concept plane with long wings and slender, with U-shaped tail and motors integrated in the fuselage. Always guided by the ergonomic design.

Post Meniscus Repair Surgery

Spain to the brink of the play yard, by Robert Montoya

"Madrid may be entering the kind of death spiral that afflicted Argentina just a decade ago." Warned long ago Paul Krugman , and Joseph Stiglitz repeated now.

He said a few months ago the great guru of global finances, the New Keynesian Economics Nobel Prize 2008, Paul Krugman, and now repeats it another influential guru, also American and also Keynesian Economics Nobel Prize (2001), Joseph Stiglitz: "Spain could be entering the kind of death spiral that afflicted Argentina just a decade ago." are thus two major international financial analysts who see the shadow of the yard plan on Spain. "Only when Argentina ended its fixed exchange rate against the dollar began to rise and reduced the deficit. Spain has been attacked by speculators, but it could be just a matter of time, "said Stiglitz.
But that turned out to which at the time Argentina is not valid for Spain, membership in the eurozone, with no possibility to devalue its currency, because the old peseta was merged in 1998 with the currencies of 16 other European Union countries to create the euro as common.
Both Stiglitz and Krugman and other top analysts see Spain as one of the weakest links in the European Union and reject the image you want to give the EU that has already left behind the recession is. It is feared that effect occurs called W, or recession in the second round. In an article in the Sunday Telegraph, Stiglitz argued days ago, when analyzing the situation in Europe before the crisis, that "Spain is the most dangerous, but also in severe Ireland and Greece trouble. " And Stiglitz adds: "The euro is facing its own crisis and may disappear, a victim of its own convertible inward. It is clear that countries have no problems today, as Argentina does, of individual currencies and therefore flexible exchange instruments. "

The economist said that "as in Greece and Ireland, the financial weakness of Spain becomes easy prey for vulture funds and other speculators. The naive reaction of the European Central Bank or the IMF, such as cutting expenses or pensions and raise taxes, only make things worse. " And therein lies the critical leading the two economists, coinciding with the position that have maintained in Spain and other European leftist parties and unions, that adjustment programs launched everywhere in Europe to address the crisis, with a drastic contraction of public spending freezing when no direct reduction in wages and pensions and job insecurity can only foresee more and more unemployment. I recognized only a few weeks ago the IMF itself through its managing director, Dominique Strauss-Kahn. This admitted that they could get a moderadísimo ajustazos growth, but without generating employment. The demands of the IMF, World Bank and the European Central Bank, recipes appear as desperate, ineffective and counterproductive, a system whose model enrichment ultraliberal speculative pyramid has come to puncture the bubble generated over the years. Stiglitz insists parallels between Spain and Argentina. The American economist, always critical of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank (WB) and its recipes and "the markets", says Rodriguez Zapatero "will impose anachronistic rules of the game.
For example, lower costs, which will lead to unemployment well above the current 20.3% contraction in real demand and strong social resistance. Argentina lived the same in 2000-2001 and countercyclical policies only took her out of trouble in the coming years. " Strauss-Kahn
recently welcomed Rodríguez Zapatero to implement strictly the measures suggested by the IMF, ensuring you will not regret adopting them, despite the harsh social cost involved. And when would that fruit, according to the IMF? In the week ends, the IMF announced that the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Canada, Russia and India than this year for the first time in Spain. Thus Spain, who boasted of being the world's eighth largest economy, has been relegated to a stroke at 12 th position. President English will not like someone to remember now that in 2007 he publicly predicted that "In 2010 we will slightly exceed Germany in per capita income." Germany is now in 4 th place, eight places before Spain. The IMF forecasts that Spain will have a growth of -0.3% in 2010 (1.7% average for Europe), 0.7% in 2011 and reached only 2% (percentage at which it is considered that actually creates jobs) 2013. According to the report of the IMF, Argentina will grow 7.5% in 2010, as Brazil (5.7% average for Latin America and the Caribbean) and 4% in 2011. Rodríguez Zapatero will therefore sell less promising future for workers and unions, which last 29 took to the streets to say "no" to his recently passed labor reforms and to warn they will not accept nor its pension reform, which will shortly to debate in the Cortes (Parliament).
days ago, Zapatero also suffered a political setback after being defeated in internal elections of the ruling English Socialist Workers Party (PSOE) by a narrow margin, his nominee to chair the powerful Community of Madrid (governorate), the current Minister for Health and Social Policy, Trinidad Jimenez, Secretary front general of the Socialists in Madrid, Tomas Gomez. That setback, according to polls conducted by various media, has further weakened the PSOE, who appears now located more than ten points behind the conservative opposition Popular Party in voting intentions.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

How Much Money Desert Eagle Bb Gun

The "Jetman" also known as "Fusionman" is an ambitious personal project conducted by a Swiss pilot Yves Rossy, inventor and aviation enthusiast.

Yves Rossy has made successful flights as exhibits and the challenge of crossing the Channel in 2008.

Flight Procedure

The Jetman is placed in a plane that rises to an altitude of 2500m, after reaching that altitude Yves Rossy jumps from plane with his Jetwing whose wings are deployed and begin functioning engines. And fly!
When you run out and start planning Jetman fall until the parachute deploys leading him safely to the ground.

The invention

The ingenious invention is basically a carbon fiber wing with 4 turbines that propel it. These wings are placed as if it were a backpack.

Photo: The wing-propelled (Jetwing) Yves Rossi

Jetwing Technical Features

DIMENSIONS Wingspan Fuel Full 55 kg more flat minutes
2 m

Dry (no fuel) 30 kg
4 Jet-Cat P200 of 22 pounds of thrust each, with starting ( 25 seconds)
Fuel Kerosene Mix with 5% oil.
groups Capacity 30 L.
Speed \u200b\u200b- Average 200 km / h
- On Rise 180 km / h
- In Descent 300 km / h
rate of climb 330 m / min
Autonomy 10
Parachute Parachutes de France "Legend R"
Harness System and Off Off emergency automatic opening of an emergency parachute wings

Project Officer:

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Heritage® Cookware

Mothers may be memory, but not history

By Luis Mattini

left to formal that in the seventies was passive and critique of the revolutionary project q ue face and many of the younger generation the President of the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo, Hebe de Bonafini is the memory of that time, and indeed it is from the point in view of the withdrawal of the atrocities of the military, or war crimes. That explains the unfortunate fact that almost all the memory that comes from the immediately subsequent events, is the memory of death. Part nega tive that limited vision, in part, is that we are filling the museum's Argentina seem Panteones memory of death

The bias is that the vast reports work carried out by the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo is very important and irreplaceable part of the story, but not the whole story, much less the richest and educational. Because most important part of that history, is the vital part, which leaves lessons for the present and future, which speaks of vi da, rebellion, passion for the struggle, the joy of militancy, happiness provided by the act of freedom, also of intelligence and the misunderstanding of the projects, any or say from the successes and mistakes.

The ferocity and brutality of the military was not due to a special pathology in the military body, or our mistakes, but precisely to our successes. Indeed, the growing strength of popular movements, the which were part especially active, very concerned about the powers established so that solid plans to defend the privileges repressive put under real threat. Our main success was the decision to fight and putting into practice , action. Our biggest mistake was underestimating the strength of the enemy, overestimated tion of our own forces and have not noticed in time that the hardness of the repression was due to a rational and well-defined strategy, which was developed by French School, while we had prepared to resist the doctrine of so-called School of the Americas, it, incidentally, for having shared with the former socialist bloc, unilateral vision a focus on U.S. imperialism

Of that, Hebe can not speak, because as she herself has said, at that time was devoted to the kitchen. Instead there are dozens of fellow survivors, former prisoners or former exiles, the age of Hebe and hundreds of the age of their children, who can speak because they were active, armed and unarmed. Women who, faithful to the time of doing, doing. No threatened, acted and talked after, sometimes to explain what was done, and only if necessary. They are the full report, yet very little is asked them. The new generations are not being interrogated because they can not because the information monopoly that has institutionalized the organization headed Hebe and is misused. The others, witnesses observers at the time, not asked depth can be uncomfortable because the answers to the question "What you were doing at that time?"

Moreover there are also some players who do not want to speak for various reasons, some legitimate and others for fear they will say and there are even those who can not rationally explain why they thought the passion of the fight, not because they are stupid, but because the evidence of the facts did not need speeches.

For example, one of the things that Hebe does not know is that we, the PRT-ERP, and much of the seventies allies, we considered a policy of rupture characterized by action, including armed action . And that meant a profound ideological discussion because it broke the traditional concept of membership is more or less which has been taken today. In other words, the vast majority of those militants who paraded the streets in uniform rather than the government sets for them, they have no idea that there is even a concept of rupture and that it is not rubble accurately and the police is not democracy or dictatorship. It is an attitude, a decision of the revolutionaries, one of the basic teachings Che which I am not aware that they discuss the theoretical courses at the University of Mothers: Choose the field of battle.

. Indeed, we do not choose armed struggle because we had no other choice. Ours, right or wrong, was a conscious and highly debated and was in fact a break. New generations should also know that the rule of law and political system called democracy, is not invented by now. Most of those years fighting judicial system worked, so, in many cases, our colleagues were tried for violating the law. Especially in the beginning, during the dictatorship of Lanusse. In such cases the fellow on the dock, they would ask to speak to express the opinion of rupture, ie not accept the court and were declared prisoners of war and invoking the Geneva Convention.

course, the mature eyewitnesses, those who accused us of foquistas, smile with pity for this "naive", or worse, of this "childishness" our of those times. What is not taken into account is that this colleague of ours played in a policy of rupture, was on trial for a misdemeanor not to cut the American to claim for a pay rise, hurting people, but for attempting to assault a police station or military barracks to seize power and change the root system, clashing with armed professionals, avoiding risk to civilians. The proposed takeover was not seeking to twist the will of the judges, but to create a new system of justice. That was the "small" difference with the present attitude of Hebe. Our partners had not threatened in a speech to occupy the courts to force the decision of the judges, no, no way, they first, before speaking, had taken the Palace seriously, then perhaps it would have an assembly to see how to proceed.

Also, another thing that a limited, partial, of these the memories of those years, concealed, concrete action is vital and a priority especially in pursuit of social justice. Our companions did not threaten to assault the courts to help resolve a power struggle for the government, not our fellow reserved those powers to attack food trucks, for social justice in particular distributing to the needy, calling for action by example, not speaking.

insist, were years of isolationist policies, action. No speeches. And they were for various reasons, but among the most important, because it had available to make that decision militant by hundreds of girls and boys. Today you can not raise the break because that provision does not appear to be, perhaps because the shirts, flags and uniforms de Guevara, have covered His words and boys parading down the avenue daily May have no idea of \u200b\u200bthis matter and are convinced that this is the path of Che. Or maybe issue more closely and discuss it.

In any case what is objective is that we are facing a political breakdown, thus threatening to break acts without meeting them, is pure speech, is the negation of the seventies, the make the word facts or to repeat the practice of traditional Left that he spent decades threatening to take power and made that speech a modus vivendi.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Kate Playground Free Access To Sit

Travel to Peru holidays

The other day a friend told me that he wanted to make a trip to northern Argentina, and then traveling across northern Argentina to Peru or Bolivia to explore more what is the world of Latin America, many people in Argentina like to travel to Peru know the way the Inca and Inca ruins, really, and this is a consideration of mine must be eager to travel to northern Argentina or Peru or Bolivia in the summer in the summer holidays which is in February or January, it really makes a lot of heat and has to be very interesting to know the way Otto at Inca ruins in Peru, instead of taking a trip in the summer at a beach such as travel to Brazil. Also

them a personal opinion and I think it has to be very interesting to travel to Peru for why many young people mostly choose to make a trip to Peru to really know the Inca ruins. Travel say they are young people usually choose because we must also consider that they are quite cheap travel many young people get into Internet to find out the best prices for travel to a Peru or what are the best cost to visit the ruins in Peru, and compare prices and travel costs from Peru to Bolivia from Argentina and even from Chile, also many young people in Chile choose to go to northern Chile to cross the border to a Peru. In Argentina
There is a lot of Peruvian people a Peruvian community has settled a few years ago in Buenos Aires so the trip from Buenos Aires to Lima are more frequent in the area of \u200b\u200b11 in Buenos Aires there are plenty of groups who sell tickets to Lima, and that the same groups when you travel by bus also have to as in the north of Argentina such as jumps or jujuy.

As I always say is a matter of taste the election of the country you want to visit or travel and she likes it and besides the question of costs and prices actually much cheaper fares to these places that such a passage to Brazil or Argentina's Patagonia.