The "Jetman" also known as "Fusionman" is an ambitious personal project conducted by a Swiss pilot Yves Rossy, inventor and aviation enthusiast.
Yves Rossy has made successful flights as exhibits and the challenge of crossing the Channel in 2008.
Yves Rossy has made successful flights as exhibits and the challenge of crossing the Channel in 2008.
Flight Procedure
The Jetman is placed in a plane that rises to an altitude of 2500m, after reaching that altitude Yves Rossy jumps from plane with his Jetwing whose wings are deployed and begin functioning engines. And fly! When you run out and start planning Jetman fall until the parachute deploys leading him safely to the ground.
The invention
The ingenious invention is basically a carbon fiber wing with 4 turbines that propel it. These wings are placed as if it were a backpack. Photo: The wing-propelled (Jetwing) Yves Rossi
Jetwing Technical Features
2 m | |
| |
55 kg | |
Dry (no fuel) 30 kg | |
4 Jet-Cat P200 of 22 pounds of thrust each, with starting ( 25 seconds) | |
Fuel Kerosene Mix with 5% oil. | |
groups | Capacity 30 L. |
Speed \u200b\u200b- Average | 200 km / h |
- On Rise | 180 km / h |
- In Descent | 300 km / h |
rate of climb 330 m / min | |
Autonomy | 10 |
Parachute Parachutes de France | "Legend R" |
Harness System and Off Off emergency automatic opening of an emergency parachute wings |
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