No half measures when it comes to define a political project. There is capitalism with a human face, as there is no alternative model that can only be defined as such in the discursive. The death of former President Nestor Kirchner should serve time to rethink a number of issues that accompany organic intellectuals are unwilling to think, live and eat simply because the model. In the seven years since the Kirchner in power has not changed the economic model held in this country since 1966 to date. It must be said without euphemisms and calling things by their name, the model of capitalist production is still dominant in the social, economic, political and cultural in our country. I think those who claim otherwise do not understand how certain relationships, but also refuse to look at the data of reality with enough intelligence to see that nothing has changed little and so questioned regarding the 90 model. And it just has not changed since the late former President Kirchner is the son of that model. Governor of Santa Cruz during the hard years of Menem, Kirchner did not know to object to the model during these years, accompanying even the wave of privatization of strategic state enterprises as Oilfield Fiscales (YPF). In addition we have all seen a picture of embracing Kirchner Menem, both followed by the look of Cristina.
In this would be good to remember. Not only is it belongs to a generation to say that the ideals of this generation are governing. Kirchner behind it does not meet the spirit of the seventies, even speech that seeks the opposite. Kirchner meets the spirit of 90, a country at the mercy of the market, when, for example, choose to pay the debt. Kirchner does not synthesize the spirit of the generation that sought to transform the world far from those ideals as transformers of society, the now defunct Peronist leader has held the economic and social model of the Washington consensus. If a spirit seventies said the presidential couple has been the pride and arrogance montonera, who always believed that to take the world ahead.
Without Jorge Julio López NO HUMAN RIGHTS
The appeared to be the main flag Kirchner has quickly become a trivialization of a topic as deep as transcendent. Human rights K administration, and even if there were co-opted to certain human rights organizations such as the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo Grandmothers or some regional CHILDREN, makes water everywhere.
The progress has not only been slow but so far only been tried a small dome of dictators in his deathbed that close to any power, ignoring that justice for this must come to all categories of equipment repressive involved in the systematic violation fundamental rights. Kirchner used and abused human rights, those who so much we have been concerned in much of the popular field. But also, and to continue to exercise our right to memory, it seems that right taken from us, we have won, while Jorge Julio López does not appear to life all human rights discourse sinks to drift and does not hold itself . Kirchnerismo apologetics have forgotten López. Neither
6,7,8, government programs and public television ultrakirchnerista (one that should be of everyone in the country and not only of the ruling caste) blablabla Nestor and Cristina, towering as the saviors of the country, placing bronze idols but which have completely forgotten that a companion of the popular field is missing. Jorge Julio López is missing and this, in an administration that says human rights defender is inadmissible.
A democracy disappeared worth the same as 30,000 disappeared during the dictatorship. One of the popular companion is as good as everyone disappeared. And it is to get one of appearance but is followed by life, one that claimed so many years human rights organizations today, some of which are an integral part of Project K. Neither of these organizations I have come to hear the claim of the appearance López alive. And that appearance is a state responsibility.
Moyano, picture of the Triple A, Kirchner's political support
From the political kirchnerismo not able to build a progressive alliance relying on the less dangerous characters as dark as the trucker Hugo Moyano. Should remind the Kirchnerism apologetic, those flags gullible human rights, Moyano's fascist past, accused of a close associate of the Triple Alliance anticommunist vigilante group that killed dozens of political leaders, workers, students and union during the Peronist interregnum Isabel Martinez de Peron. Moyano met the gang of Mar del Plata and today enjoys immunity and impunity to sit next to the presidential box as official ceremony there. Nestor Kirchner built this alliance and others no less complex sustained about unholy ties. I eg kirchnerismo relations with the governor of Tucumán, an employer clearly associated with class interests with the global capitalist power, whose strength lies in the money and not in the political construction of an idea man Kirchner has been with the project because he could read perfectly the pattern of power between the central administration of the Casa Rosada with interior.
Alperovich, spoiled child at times of the now defunct former president, in the northern province maintains a system of patronage based on pre-election gifts. Kirchner also represents the kind of politics, a quasi-feudal held in Santa Cruz while he headed the government for three consecutive terms. In addition and if this were not enough, now Argentina's Kirchner, about 5000 are social activists and political prisoners in Argentine prisons, allegations that never transcend the mass media. Much less on Public TV, a platform from which to sell an image Kirchnerism absolutely knew fantasy of itself.
poverty and marginalization
is true that from 2003 to date has reduced poverty and marginalization. But neither has been a transformational change in social relations or the mode of production and without that change, slum cords surrounding large urban centers not only will not turn but continue as usual and there, precisely those areas of absolute poverty, where there is not only patronage but also Kirchner's allies. Tucumán is a good example. No need to stray too far from the great capital city to warn that the so-called slums (slums, slums, favelas) not only changed but have not been reproduced. Easier said than done is a huge stretch and speech "progress" of the Kirchner is not consistent with the amount of people begging at traffic lights, the kids that ride on the bus to ask for a coin or the amount of glass cleaner that subsist thanks to the perseverance of spending hours and hours in a corner at the mercy of all hazards. Extreme poverty is not fought with social plans circumstantial but a true political revolutionary transformation in the distribution of wealth in the mode of production and the social, political and cultural. Without these changes any social plan is not only output step, but only serves as a hunting ground on election day.
If the structure does not change the dignity of human beings most affected by the system will still depend on official gift. And neither Kirchner nor his wife wanted to transform this system as it is part of their own electoral barrage. If the official project is the gift and not the change of structures, then we can not conclude anything. Kirchner then no longer any fundamental change that the country intends to make changes. It is pointless for the country to grow at the macro if that growth does not reach the ordinary citizen, much less whether those citizens living on the street.
Without revolution there is no transformation
Kirchner was not a revolutionary. It is not his widow, the country's president, Cristina Fernandez. Not even think they can fall into the category of reformers. It is not revolutionary who proposes to co-opt social organizations, not revolutionary who pays illegal and illegitimate debt to repay to forget all the domestic debt is not revolutionary who decides not to change the structures, not revolutionary who did not even propose the construction a socialist country. Nestor Kirchner was not a revolutionary. Not even a reformer. True pseudoprogresismo has settled recently, with fireworks, with a little noise. When the country was able to be transformed revolutionary history (again) Kirchner made his own business and filled his pockets and those of his family at the expense of the hunger of many Argentines. No report is propagandistic, it is part of a reality that pseudoprogresistas not want to see. The Kirchner Cristina now at the helm, are owners of great riches, wealth as mere lawyers could not have done ever. As honest politicians either. Much could be done in this country in 7 years in office. Could have been selected to health, unhealthy state today, could have been selected to retirement and think about the historical struggle liabilities of 82% mobile, claim history of a doubly vulnerable sector of the capitalist system, because it is true that pensions have increased, but it is also true that the National Institute of Statistics and Census (INDEC) can not draw the numbers inflation that we now simply a retired worker with the least can not get to make ends meet on the basics, not to mention health, if you must be treated by a highly complex treatment, the better to reserve land in the cemetery. Education continues in a backward way, teachers' salaries have fallen behind compared to the same inflation. And we could go a state of affairs are not consistent with the proclamations of change in today mourn pseudoprogresistas Nestor Kirchner.
The country has not changed and a number of things must be rethought and debated. Not since the quasi-fascist sectarianism retrograde right, not the schematic closed some left parties but also from a kirchnerismo as I said and I maintain he has done nothing to change the system.
The model has not changed. The country also. The speeches are not revolutionaries. Actions can be.
Epilogue, while closing the drawer
I have not placed or happy or sad with the death of Nestor Kirchner. I was indifferent. The I have been outraged if the bunch of sycophants, organic intellectuals who have wished us to believe that the deceased could be compared to Che Guevara. Kirchner was the improvement of the system. This is why the system has sustained. Good student who has paid their bills. The hypocrisy of some who have benefited from the Kirchnerism today constantly paraded on state television. A turn on the right, retrograde only understandable as long as Kirchner has done nothing, absolutely nothing, to build another model indeed social, a model built from the grassroots and the grassroots level, without patronage, without prioritizing debt on the actual external debt to be settled urgent: domestic debt. But from other fields and with other discourses and other practices, we are going to continue to report from here that nothing has changed and that everything should be turned revolutionary. Otherwise we will have lost a new generation of Argentines and we regret that we have not been able to read reality as it happened back in December 2001. The danger, of course, is to return the usual. And a new resurgence Kirchner pseudoprogresistas transformed back and lose my memory again. Already happened with the Alliance in 99. You can re-spend in 2011 ... or earlier.