Monday, August 23, 2010

Pokemon Leaf Green Controls

Eighty years of progress of American democracy: electric chair anarchists targeted killing of Islamic PERONISMO

by Agustin Velloso in Tlaxcala

* H ay people who believe that the U.S. political system, such as economic, but has not made progress over time. This country is considered by others richer and more democratic. The best indicator of the former is that others recognize its primacy, seeking to be your partners and are willing to do whatever they ask.

S or have achieved greater success is that people think that is the beacon of world democracy. So much so that in addition to exert enormous economic clout, is considered the champion of freedom and the guarantor of human rights in the land. This conceit of a whole nation has to appoint their leaders good and bad everywhere and then launch crusades and endless wars against them.

In today's date are reminded activists anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, Italian immigrants United States, executed in the electric chair on August 23, 1927 after a sham trial in which they were charged and sentenced for the murder of a paymaster and a guard who did not commit.

Fifty years later, in 1977, the authorities reviewed the case concluded there were mistakes in the process and acknowledged that those executed did not have a fair trial. This was a new theater, not only for the delay and failure to consider what was an orchestrated to end persecution of exemplary way the lives of two activists, but because today, after thirty years of official recognition, the new leaders country have established a system that no longer have to apologize for similar crimes being committed in the name of American democracy.

historian Howard Zinn ( ), which has reflected on this incident and similar ones with more casualties occurred in U.S. history, shows no mercy for leaders who carry out their own benefit plans and big capitalists in the name of high ideals but at the expense of workers, minority ethnic and social groups, opponents government and other victims of the system:

"The Case of Sacco and Vanzetti revealed, in his harshest words nobles who registered on our courthouses," Equal Justice Before the Law ', have always been a lie. These two men, the fish peddler and the shoemaker, could not get justice in the American system, because justice does not measure equal to poor and rich, nationals or foreigners, the orthodox and the radical, the white and black person. And while injustice occurs more subtle and intricate ways today than in the harsh circumstances of Sacco and Vanzetti, the essence remains the same. " ( = 55254)

is impossible not to agree with Zinn. He himself recalls an earlier case is also considered a milestone of injustice: "Has there been justice in the American system for the poor, people of color, the radical? When sentenced to death eight anarchists in Chicago after Haymarket riots of 1886, it was not because there was any proof of the connection between them and the bomb dropped in the middle of the police, there was no evidence. Was because they were leaders of the anarchist movement in Chicago. "

Zinn, recently deceased, valuation remain the same today as one hundred years later, the journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal, dedicated to showing the public the police violence against groups social minority, was sentenced in 1982 to capital punishment, punishment that draws from death row.

Fortunately for him, have appeared in time evidence of his innocence in case of the murder of a policeman in which he has been involved. However, this truce has avoided spending 23 hours a day locked in a cell during these 28 years, without authorization to receive visits from their families and their personal mail illegally opened by prison authorities. (His case )

With anti-terrorism and national security (Patriot Act) in force for a party and a social environment conveniently manipulated through fear of assumptions terrorist attacks on the other, mock trials become part of a flawed judicial system even more than before, so detained, convicted and executed today can hardly expect justice in this life and correction of errors in the future.

Two questions draw attention to this tendency. His relationship with other injustices committed by the United States beyond its borders, and the acceptance of those and its multiplier effect on other countries.

hijacked flights secrets, offshore prisons, the torture of prisoners counseled by physicians and psychologists, detention without trial for years and if it comes, the test invalid judgments, executions extra-judicial and other developments contributed to American democracy to human progress, that Sacco and Vanzetti would feel fortunate to have suffered minor compared to the ordeal of his comrades to fight today.

Al while increasing control and repression against those who challenge the system within the borders, punishes without restrictions of any kind to those designated as enemies of the United States. To change this judge's robes for the uniform straight humanitarian interventionists and attack their enemies to destroy them, including children collateral damage "on the sidelines. In the imperialist jargon this is called "return stone age ", it is assumed that by comparison with the civilized age of the attackers. Logically

this is against common sense, moral and even international law, which is why it is twisted until it says what it says, are decorated with beautiful horrendous actions semiente words again and again until is not anyone alive or brave, or crazy, to object.

The dead, all violations and lies are minor details in the eyes of the leaders of other countries, among which those of us who feel so identified with this new era of splendor of law, who collaborated in the worldwide success of American democratic model.

When they leave, or scales, the flights from our airport, sent soldiers to assist in the war on terror in Afghanistan and other countries is not accepted when released from Guantanamo, who remain here without getting justice or repairs, but in a legal limbo contrary to human rights, it sends agents to confer intelligence, cooperation and study with colleagues across the Atlantic, when the Prime Minister held not excited the last Nobel prize of peace given to Attila XXI century (apparently stressed the "interest highly strategic "award and said that Obama's goals" are good for the world "), begins to concoct an alliance of civilizations that has saved the life of one Afghan child, but that has got one more picture with the antichrist of global diplomacy, the UN secretary general, Ban Ki Moon.

In view of what is happening today is that cruelty and absurdity on the rise since the days of Sacco and Vanzetti.

Zinn explains the situation of the time:

"a typesetter named Andrea Salcedo who lived in New York was hijacked by members FBI (I use the word "kidnapped" to describe the illegal detention of a person), and held on the 14th floor of the FBI office in Park Row Building. He was not allowed to call family, friends or a lawyer and was interrogated and beaten, according to a fellow prisoner. During the eighth week of his imprisonment, May 3, 1920, Salcedo's body was found on the pavement near the Park Row Building, and the FBI announced that he had committed suicide by jumping from the window of the room that was kept . It was two days before the arrest of Sacco and Vanzetti. "

and tells the popular response to the two murders that were to come:

"Thousands marched, marched, protested, not only in New York, Boston, Chicago, San Francisco, but also in London, Paris, Buenos Aires or South Africa. It was not enough. On the night of his execution, thousands demonstrated in Charlestown, but were kept away from the prison by a crowd of police. Demonstrators were arrested. There were machine guns on the roofs and large spotlights sweeping the scene. A large crowd gathered at Union Square on August 23, 1927. After midnight, prison lights dimmed and the two men were electrocuted. "

Yes, the protest of the people was not enough to save the two anarchists and the same has happened with those who have died since then. More than eighty years and millions of crimes then obvious why Sacco and Vanzetti began to be armed when they heard the end of Salcedo and why the demonstrations and protests are against guns.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Womens Nipple Tattoos

THE LEGS UP; By Luis Mattini

Let me paraphrase Eduardo Galeano because it seems that Peronism is really ndestructible, immortal, because he always finds a way to renew and now that way is that Peronists have been gorillas and gorillas Peronist.

Now, I never went but neither Peronist gorilla, even frequently made common cause with the Peronist against the gorillas. And I can boast of getting to know the Peronist and gorillas, because I grew up between Peronist, family, aunts, uncles, neighborhood city where Peronism was winning 70 percent of the vote, and then, at 55, I suffered the humiliation of the gorillas. He also lived the conversion of hundreds of gorillas in Peronist, such that the old leader called, not without its reasons, "infiltrators."

Because here I speak of the gorilla "epidermal" not the branch, that is not de Rojas, Toranzo Montero, Aramburu, Repetto, La Nacion, La Prensa, La Marina, etc ... no, here I speak of the gorilla "popular area" For example, the radicals, the, Communists, socialists, all Stalinist style pregnant despite condemning the crimes of Stalin, or the majority of our famous liberal or enlightened despotism.

Because mental and spiritual pettiness and mediocrity of these sectors showed 55 to 60, has not yet been told. Peronism confused with fascism, treated as a prostitute upstart Eva Peron, Peron as a demagogue and supported by the "lumpen proletariat" and the lower middle class. In the discussions that were assembled at the family table in the club district, in the factories, explaining why they were Peronist Peronist, "because Perón gave us work," because Perón gave me the house, "because we gave dignity Perón "," because Perón brought the country out of bondage "or" because I am what I am because of Perón ", etc, to what is left Blessed answered them with a display of ethics, which was mean as a politician supporting services received. Retain for later this correct response of those gorillas.
I was lucky to be from adolescence into a gorilla and not Marxism properonsita opportunism, one of his mentors was Silvio Frondizi who rejected the idea of \u200b\u200ba fascist nature of Peronism, and adopted the name Marxist "Bonaparte. On the other hand I had a fellow German who had been a member with Spartacus and he very clearly defined, fascism and Nazism were the product of big business in its imperial phase supported by the impoverished middle classes and the so-called "lumpen proletariat", but instead the Peronism, according to the German, was the representation of national bourgeois project supported by the industrial proletariat.
few years later, with the emergence of the Cuban revolution left part of the gorilla, found "the national being," and I identify with Peronism. This coincided with other gorillas that came from Catholicism who also found that the "people Peronist era." Raised so that the character of the revolution in Argentina went through channel despite Peron Peronism. They were a part of the revolutionary wave of the sixties he would make his emergence in the seventies under the name Consolidated Montoneros.
If we go to the category called social sciences, say you changed the Stalinist Marxism and populism were no longer to become Peronist gorillas and that they assembled to take place enlightened despotism. Nobody

away your right to try, try, and tried JW. Cooke, to transform the revolutionary force Peronism in Argentina, but it happens that history showed that Perón and Peronism is that those revolutionaries failed to be their heirs, because Peron, as Fidel, like all leaders, left no heirs. Moreover, the proposed National Bourgeoisie - which would have justified the policy "national and popular" that boast both former Marxists, was not used as a project, he skipped town, one part was devoured by capitalist development itself and other joined the great capital. I repeat, was consolidated the rule, so there is no national bourgeoisie. Perón So, apart from being dead, has no raison d'etre. For even longer have reason for political parties in his former role as representatives of certain classes. That is why today, the Peronist leaders have spent most unlikely, from a Menem dismantled the national project of Peron, to managers of large interest as Duhalde, to the posts by circumstances such as Kirchner the curious feature, we insist that names of traditional Peronism became gorillas and gorillas Peronists:

Then today I found these old gorilla as I said decades ago discovered the "national" they accuse me of gorilla disagree with this government and I warn against the "right" gorilla in the Peronist undisputed listed as Rodriguez Saa, Duhalde, Felix Romero, etc. ... Curiously, they harass me almost without exception these are old friends who now benefit from something with the policy of this government. It is surprising, because as far as I'm concerned, I have rarely been better, secure employment and good pay. If so I should be the first Kirchner., Claro was not bad in those years I did sixty Frondizism or radical people. Of course, neither I nor the Kingdom, and Axel, or Santucho Che Guevara because we won we got wrong at the factory. Of course I can rejoice that the National Government is up to date wages, thanks to exceptional economic boom, leaving deserved respect laws such as gay marriage, which is continuing with trials, etc. .... but it happens that on the road trip with rubbish,
Notice that the current government is increasingly middle-class support gorilla Traditionally, state employees, retirees of the judicial system, state or even an important part of teachers, who are paid regularly and more than traditional, small businessmen and traders who manage to live more or less decently in tourism or certain fashion editorials, marginalized by their sexual choices benefit from advanced laws, y. .. of course, the vast majority of National Human Rights are entranced by the timeless military trials for crimes of the dictatorship and they seem to believe that That is true the dream of the seventies. So the action of human rights activists has become an end in itself, so the more you dilate better judgments because if it ends not know what to do in their time or how to live. There is that the Report has become a business. With the disappearance of reasons to fight, because it seems that the government has created the realm of social justice those who follow us can only take care of the Report. Instead of opening local advocates, neighborhood associations, fight clubs, operating houses in order as necessary to address this social injustice, open houses memory to remember the pain of past injustice.
In short, the metamorphosis is impressive: the enlightened despotism of the sixties gorilla, has acquired Peronize and illustrated form of populism, is the ideological mainstay of the current government. As illustrated populist, not concerned about the production model launched by Menem continued by De La Rua and affirmed by the last two governments current threat to food dependency and manufacturer poverty, the government strives to mitigate through social plans that can help ease this bonanaza only for the duration. Because this despotism has cornered the ideological apparatus, rewriting history, do not say as a metaphor, I mean literally, the writes in the paper again, is not making it, rewrote it in various forms of devotion to the memory and all them results in an acceptable way of life with shelter, clothing and food secured ... ah ... spiritual food also satisfied, cultural bodies, Universities, Media and publishing available.
Well, what if it seems to be that mass is benefited by the present government that manipulates the ideological apparatus are not Peronist, but ex gorilla costume, the big question is, what will happen with Peronism, I say, with these thousands of people who say "I am Peron Peron?

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Where To Find Katydid

A 65-year-the only nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki history, ubiquitous

Until August 6, 1945, the nuclear threat was still an abstraction. After the devastation of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the explosion of a uranium bomb and a plutonium respectively, these two Japanese cities became symbols of the horror, the consequences of the real weapons of mass destruction. Today a handful of countries controls 22,000 nuclear warheads. Much of them are in the hands of those who starred in the nuclear genocide, the U.S., this country that claims the right to protect its allies who have them and threaten their enemies who seek to have them. MONTOYA ROBERTO

At 2.15 pm on August 6, 1945, 12 members of the crew of the mighty B-29 bomber Enola Gay departed Tiniaii Island in the Pacific, 2,500 kilometers southeast of Tokyo, in search of his goal. The options were Nagasaki and Hiroshima Kotura and flight would be decided based on meteorological analysis to make the survey plane that had left three quarters of an hour earlier. Tebbits only Colonel Paul, commander the Enola Gay, knew carrying an atomic bomb. Knew they were important, had been elected to a historic mission, ordered by President Harry S. Truman. The president of the Democratic Party was replaced shortly before the attack on the office of the late Benjamin Delano Roosevelt.

As a vice president, Roosevelt had planned to use the bomb against Berlin, but the collapse of Nazism occurred before they could finish. Japan would be elected as Germany's substitute target. U.S. knew that this would not only oblige Japan to surrender to the rule, but releasing a clear warning to the USSR, when approaching the division much of the world between the two powers.
Roosevelt and Truman disregarded the views of scientists like Albert Einstein that was not used to make nuclear bomb Manhattan Project research for three years had made in the secret laboratory at Los Alamos in New Mexico desert.

Then came H. Day
The Enola Gay - the commander of the B-29 recorded the name of his mother in the fuselage, began his mission in her womb a Little Boy (Boy), the 4,000 kg bomb with enriched uranium core, three meters long and 70 centimeters in diameter. Tibbets distributed among the crew flying the cyanide capsules. If there was a mishap, could not be taken alive.
In his diary (which in 1971 sold proud to $ 37,000), co-pilot, Robert Lewis, recalled briefly how the commander told them the ultimate target in flight: "07.24 hours. Tibbets connect the intercom to talk to the crew. It only says two words: It's Hiroshima 08.14.El Colonel commands us to place your special Polaroid glasses against the glare, 08.15, the compartment doors of the Enola Gay bombs were opened and the first atomic bomb is released from the anchor. " Lewis continued his remarks: "08.16. At 43 seconds after launch and almost six miles of fall, the bomb detonated over Hiroshima. "
According to Truman, the target was a Japanese military base. In fact, the bomb, attached by three special parachute, exploded 500 meters from the ground in downtown Hiroshima, a city with 250,000 inhabitants.

"A purple light point expands into a huge, blinding ball of fire," wrote Lewis. "The core temperature is 50 million degrees. Aboard the plane, nobody says anything. I could almost taste the glare of the explosion, had the taste of lead. The cockpit was illuminated with a strange light. It was like looking into hell. Then came the shock wave, a mass of compressed air that seemed so solid. When the shock wave reached the plane, Tibbets and I cling to the controls. (...) The fungus reached a mile high and its base is a bubbling cauldron, a seething mass of flames. The city must be below that. " "It was just another job," say Lewis. "We made this world a safer place. Since then nobody has dared to throw another bomb. I would like to be remembered as the man who helped make this possible. "
things in Hiroshima lived a very different way. The blast, with its 6,000-degree heat, charred more than 70,000 people immediately. The buildings and trees were charred at 120 miles. Fallout dismissed by the mushroom cloud in the hours after killing several thousand people, also leaving thousands injured and maimed. Had enriched uranium with white blood cells. Before the end of 1945 had died and 140,000 people in Hiroshima. Over the years tens of thousands more would die of cancer and thousands of children would be born with severe deformities.
After receiving the results of his achievement, President Truman said: "This is the greatest event in history." Three days after ordering
repeat the experience in Nagasaki. At 11.02 am, another B-29 bomber, the Bockscar, on the city threw a bomb with plutonium core. Forty thousand people were killed immediately. Thousands more would die later. Thousands of children would be born with malformations.

The survivors have little more than 200,000 of these genocides, hibakusha, who suffered severe deformities, genetic damage and cancer, are still waiting for U.S. to apologize for the genocide. He never did.
For the first time on Friday 6, the events held by the 65 th anniversary of the attack on Hiroshima, was attended by a U.S. representative, the consul for the first time he also assisted the General Secretary UN.
These crimes against humanity go unpunished 65 years later.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Toter Trash Cans Wheree Do You Buy

Many summits and little change EU-Latin America and the Caribbean , by Robert Montoya

"The Sixth Summit will mark a before and after relations between the European Union and Latin America." Claimed that shortly before the conclusion of the meeting in Madrid last May, the English Deputy Prime Minister Maria Teresa Fernandez de la Vega. Did anyone notice the change? Hardly.

The absence of leaders were the first sign that it would not. On the European side at the summit were only 14 of the 27 presidents, prime ministers or heads of state of the European Union. For Latin America and the Caribbean, 19 from a total of more than 30. Spain, always claiming to be the "natural bridge" between both regions sought to join a little in its favor to crown his presidency of the European Union. But once again, his clumsiness in foreign policy
was about to show his inability to be that "bridge." The English government had no better idea to invite the summit Porfirio Lobo, the Honduran president emerged from an election that was not allowed to participate in the legitimate president of Honduras, Manuel Zelaya, deposed by a military coup on June 28, 2009.

Lobo, with the approval of the Obama Administration, hastened to join his cabinet with representatives of the coup, to declare an amnesty for those who overthrew by force of arms Zelaya and reward with the appointment of deputy leader for life of these, Roberto Micheletti, who had temporarily occupied the presidential chair Zelaya once ousted from power. During the year since the coup, died of dozens of police repression of Zelaya, and at least seven journalists troublesome for the regime. The Human Rights Commission of the UN and humanitarian organizations such as Amnesty International denounced the brutal repression that was taking place, but there were no convictions or the United States or the European Union. Spain and the rest of the EU denounced the coup initially with small mouth, but although the U.S. officially recognized the wolf as president, thereby giving shelve the issue, the EU withdrew its agenda the "Honduran case." However, virtually all countries of Latin America and the Caribbean continued to denounce the coup and the subsequent farce, it was also fear the precedent of what would Obama's future policy for the area.

Therefore, Lobo invite to the summit, not even fathom the ground between Latin American countries was a serious blunder of English diplomacy. Several Latin American and Caribbean leaders immediately warned that it would not come to the Madrid summit if it was participating Lobo. Contrary to what one might think, it was Chavez who threatened to boycott the summit, but Lula da Silva, who as head of the regional subpotencia could not admit defeat after he assumed personal failing to regain power Zelaya After his return to Honduras to organize and host it for months in the Brazilian embassy in Tegucigalpa. In the Moncloa Palace in Santa Cruz and the Zarzuela, there was tension and bustle to attempt to remedy such an error. Finally managed to convince Wolf to be content with only participate in a mini-summit in Madrid, the EU would keep the Central American countries to lay the groundwork for a free trade agreement. The waters subsided, but still,
several leaders, including Hugo Chavez decided not to attend the event, with that gesture, showing how little importance they attached.

Chávez, the major driver of regional organizations independent of the new type in the area in the last decade, has always criticized the unequal relationship that persists between rich Europeans and Latin America and the Caribbean, and is even supporter the disappearance not only of the OAS (Organization of American States, which involved U.S.), but also of the annual Ibero-American Summit "Why do not you shut up", promoted mainly by Spain, with strong commercial interests and
Financial in the area. Neither attended the Sixth Summit of Madrid the Uruguayan José Mugica, or Nicaragua's Daniel Ortega or Raul Castro, among others.
Steeped in a deep economic and financial crisis and demonstrated the weakness of its institutions, the EU could only see the top supposed to be positive for Latin America and the Caribbean, an area is stronger than Europe's rich shake the economic and financial crisis. At least since 2002 and until the subprime crisis was felt strongly in the region in 2008-especially the sharp declines in the price of oil, gas, copper, soybeans and other commodities, the area experienced a period of sustained growth, not inflation, a real reduction in poverty rates, employment creation and debt reduction.

Several Latin American leaders, like Evo Morales, Cristina Fernandez and Lula da Silva himself, were pleased to remind members of the rich Europe's ultra-liberal recipes developed world arrogant served very little when the bubble finally burst in which they were assembled, and that in all the capital ran to seek refuge under the umbrella of State daddy who habitually insult both in order to save its banks and companies crisis.

"We've had," said the president of Argentina in his closing remarks, the spokesman of the Latin American bloc, "especially in South America, a performance against this global crisis much better than might be expected political processes are often not understood, it may not meet the formal categories of thought, or at least so far official. "Cristina Fernandez also made an appeal to multilateralism and criticized" the adoption, for a long time, unique thoughts and unique recipes applicable to everyone equally, whatever the size of its economy or the development of their society " .

"When the Berlin Wall fell," he added, "it seemed that every different idea could not be discussed, it was even announced to the story, but no, the story never ends, always is and always is transformed. " Despite Europe's interest for that region, the absence of so many EU leaders at the Sixth Summit demonstrated the lack of expectation that had to close the gap in between the two blocs. Relations have made little progress in the last decade.

Europe reacted late to the U.S. initiative in the early 90's known as the "Washington Consensus" and intended to impose neoliberal governments in the area turn a series of trade measures, financial and social to facilitate the hegemony total. In 1995, the year in which President Bill Clinton launched at a summit in Miami its proposed FTAA (Free Trade Area of \u200b\u200bthe Americas), when the European Council presented its proposal for "agreements Association (ADA, the term adopted to distance themselves from the bad image they have U.S. FTAs) with both major countries in the region and with its various
regional economic blocs. This proposal would many other similar or complementary to 2005. In that year took place in Mar del Plata, Argentina, FTAA burial at the Fourth Summit of the Americas. It was precisely the year that the U.S. intended to come into force. The clash between the new Latin America, with a majority of progressive governments at the time, and U.S. imperialism, was reflected there. Not only the leaders of the "Axis of evil "in Latin America face up to the U.S.. but also those of countries like Brazil or Argentina, who did not accept to implement the FTAA, knowing the black precedent that led to the signing of Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the U.S. and Canada in 1994, and the extent to which EE States refused to stop subsidizing their farmers further.

was one of the big slam he received Bush "junior" in the face during his eight years in office. That same year the European Union charged again, felt it was her time to intensify its offensive in the region. Spain, individually, was already gaining ground in the area for years, since the 90's, with Felipe González in power, when, thanks to the privatization of large public companies by corrupt local governments neoliberal got a dozen of the most powerful banks and former English public did the control major public services of much of Latin America. Spain thus became
the second foreign investor in the region, just behind Unidos.Europa States would not be excluded from the spoils and thought he had found his chance from 11-S, when the United States neglected area concentrate the bulk of their energies and resources in wars Iraq and Afghanistan and everything related to his crusade against terror.
was in December 2005 when it vanished in the FTAA project when the EU launched its "Strategy for a strengthened partnership between the European Union and Latin America."

Your offer, however, found the ground as fertile as expected. Latin America and the Caribbean saw the European proposal ultimately did not differ substantially from the U.S.. It was not anything but an asymmetric relation, a FTAA European. The European Union demanded-and-release and open calls for total savings Latin America to European products, without denying the other hand continue to maintain their subsidies and exports, in turn putting prices and draconian conditions for entry into Europe for Latin American products. Latin America and the Caribbean also have new international dating, especially China but also Russia. For China, Latin America and today represents nearly half of the direct investments have abroad. China is interested in gas, copper, oil, soybeans and other products are there in the region.

The European Union reached the last summit in Madrid less successful than that assumed Spain, and those who were not held in its General Assembly but in the six bilateral and sub-regional mini-summits were held that day. The most claimed by Spain, with which he felt he had saved the guy, was the elanzamiento trade negotiations between the EU and Mercosur (Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay, which is soon expected to join Venezuela and Bolivia) , blocked since 2004 by the constraints set by Europe. Despite opposition from Italy, Ireland and France, among others, the talks were initiated. The achievement was reduced to that, restarting the dialogue. A majority of European countries want to put the tooth in that market of 270 million people, would be expanded further with the entry of Venezuela and Bolivia. Today these two countries have the status of Associated States, including Colombia, Peru, Chile and Ecuador. The Summit did manage to close a Partnership Agreement between the European Unionor Central American countries. The treaty signed by the EU to El Salvador, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica and Panama, was quickly criticized not only by popular organizations, but also by producers and managers in the majority of these Central American countries. The EU also closed
Partnership Agreements with Peru and Colombia, which business for years. These agreements were made outside the Andean Community of Nations (CAN, successor of the Andean Pact), which was criticized by Evo Morales and Rafael Correa, who said that their countries would not follow those steps. Morales and Correa, like other Latin American leaders, they condemned a long time that the pressures and urgencies of the EU to sign treaties fully address the spirit of regional integration that attempts to break into the region. The People's Alternative Summit held in Madrid just before the official summit criticized these agreements in line with social and human rights.

regional spirit, which has resulted in the last decade to the creation of new bodies in the area, is the greatest stumbling block to that found
both Europe and America to make deals with blocks, so often opt for the "divide and conquer", entering into bilateral agreements with countries willing to accept its conditions. In Latin America and the Caribbean Governments disparate realities coexist. While ultra-liberal right is rampant in countries like Colombia, Mexico, Chile and others, there are countries like Venezuela, Bolivia, Argentina, Ecuador and Paraguay, who are trying to drastically reduce the disproportionate volume of imports from developed countries.
None of these attempts or other economic measures adopted by these countries is framed within a real question of the production system, or move in practice to that proclaimed "socialism of the XXI century", despite the ingenuity of some left who thinks so. The significant changes made by countries such as Venezuela, Bolivia or Ecuador in the structure of the State and institutions, in the great prominence gained by farmers and indigenous and greater participation in public life and community of millions of neglected, has not coheres so far with a questioning of the system capitalist.

Yes they are real but the progress made in the last decade towards the formation of a regional consciousness in Latin America and the Caribbean, starting with the momentum of the ALBA (Bolivarian Alternative for the Peoples of Our America) by Hugo Chavez and involving Venezuela, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Cuba, Ecuador, Antigua and Barbuda, St. Vincent and the Grenadines and the Commonwealth of Dominica. The proposal, launched by Chávez in 2001 and start to walk in 2004, has the stated aim of ending poverty and social exclusion in the region, working in the trade and economic field as in the human rights in the fight against illiteracy, environmental protection, social communication and science. The ALBA introduced the figure of TCP (People's Trade Treaty) to try to maximize the potential of each member country. ALBA, which has for years proposed move towards a single currency, the sucre, has been in turn driving the structure of other projects such as Telesur, in the field of social communication, or Petrosur and Petrocaribe in terms of energy, organisms now allow the supply of Venezuelan oil at preferential rates to all countries in the area, decreasing or done away with its dependence on foreign multinationals, U.S. and Europe. To complete the plan of energy sovereignty of the region is planning the construction of pipelines, so it still prevails on the part of progressive governments, a concept essentially extractive, which if not corrected can be so damaging to the environment and many stocks such as Amazon deforestation for agrofuels holding Lula da Silva for years. Da Silva has changed his once-promised land reform
its devotion to the god green oil, biodiesel. However, members of the ALBA countries have pledged to begin a process of transition to a sustainable economy promoting renewable energy. Ecuador is the country most advanced in this regard through initiatives in the environmental field including non-use of all resources of oil, gas and coal that the country, and a strong eco-tax on carbon dioxide emissions .

South Bank, another initiative aimed at promoting Chávez claims to development and as an alternative to the World Bank and IDB (IDB) whose members include Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. The South Bank has opened a special line of loans for projects of socio-environmental.

UNASUR is itself an ambitious project launched by Lula da Silva, which brings together so far to Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Guyana and Suriname, which aims to become a real substitute of the current OAS, with multiple areas of activity, ranging 10 WIND SOUTH 111/Julio 2010 Number
from economic, political, social, employment, immigration, education and so on. Without doubt, the ALBA and the complex network of sectoral structures which has been taking place, with Petrocaribe, Petrosur, South Bank UNASUR beginning to appear, despite his budding career, increasingly troublesome for foreign capital, accustomed for years to not know any limit to their actions and their benefits. Any decision to nationalize the oil or other sources of raw materials by a country, bringing about important changes in the rules for foreign companies in that sector. Large English companies in the region, often hegemonic form, such as Repsol, Endesa, Union Fenosa, Iberdrola, Gas Natural, Telefónica, BBVA and Banco Santander, obtained in the area a significant amount of their total profits, so that any government decision to a Latin American country or regional organization that would alter the commercial arena, financial, or legal work that must be secured, can pose significant falls in trading on the stock market and millions in losses.

If EU level large European companies with investments abroad are feeling the pressure and influence with the EU authorities across the European employers' confederations in Spain, the handful of companies makes a star through the CEOE and other means on the central government, also having great support from the media.

They help with your notes, opinion columns and editorials to demonize and rebel leaders caricacturizar Latin America and praise the virtuosity of the likes of Alvaro Uribe, Alan García, Felipe Calderón and Sebastián Piñera. Until someone like Lula da Silva has gone from being a "moderate copy" to be treated as a suspicious character, after snub to the U.S. to defend Iran, its harsh denunciation of the coup in Honduras, or his untimely idea of \u200b\u200bUNASUR . And they have encountered with the giant of South America, knows it and tries to take advantage of it, turning Brazil into a regional subpotencia imperial air.

English media group that arguably more influence to create an interestingly distorted image of reality Latin America and the Caribbean, which permeates political environments, economic and of the millions of their readers, listeners and viewers, there is, paradoxically, none of which are behind the most rancid on the right, and La Razón, ABC, The Gazette and El Mundo. Is the Grupo Prisa. And is that "holding" has strong interests in Latin America and the Caribbean and controlled by opposition newspapers in Bolivia, as Reason and Extra or ATB Bolivia, to the mighty Grupo Latino de Radio issued by many countries, part of the media monopoly
group of Clarin, Argentina, and monopolizes textbooks in many countries through Santillana.

With "natural bridge" with the EU and sponsors such as Spain and informant "progressives" such as PRISA, the struggle of the peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean is not easy for this Old Continent the known, recognized and respected.

Roberto Montoya is a journalist, author of the books "The Global Empire" and "imperial impunity."
is part of the drafting SOUTH WIND.