* H ay people who believe that the U.S. political system, such as economic, but has not made progress over time. This country is considered by others richer and more democratic. The best indicator of the former is that others recognize its primacy, seeking to be your partners and are willing to do whatever they ask.
S or have achieved greater success is that people think that is the beacon of world democracy. So much so that in addition to exert enormous economic clout, is considered the champion of freedom and the guarantor of human rights in the land. This conceit of a whole nation has to appoint their leaders good and bad everywhere and then launch crusades and endless wars against them.
In today's date are reminded activists anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, Italian immigrants United States, executed in the electric chair on August 23, 1927 after a sham trial in which they were charged and sentenced for the murder of a paymaster and a guard who did not commit.
Fifty years later, in 1977, the authorities reviewed the case concluded there were mistakes in the process and acknowledged that those executed did not have a fair trial. This was a new theater, not only for the delay and failure to consider what was an orchestrated to end persecution of exemplary way the lives of two activists, but because today, after thirty years of official recognition, the new leaders country have established a system that no longer have to apologize for similar crimes being committed in the name of American democracy.
historian Howard Zinn ( http://howardzinn.org/ ), which has reflected on this incident and similar ones with more casualties occurred in U.S. history, shows no mercy for leaders who carry out their own benefit plans and big capitalists in the name of high ideals but at the expense of workers, minority ethnic and social groups, opponents government and other victims of the system:
"The Case of Sacco and Vanzetti revealed, in his harshest words nobles who registered on our courthouses," Equal Justice Before the Law ', have always been a lie. These two men, the fish peddler and the shoemaker, could not get justice in the American system, because justice does not measure equal to poor and rich, nationals or foreigners, the orthodox and the radical, the white and black person. And while injustice occurs more subtle and intricate ways today than in the harsh circumstances of Sacco and Vanzetti, the essence remains the same. " ( http://www.rebelion.org/noticia.php?id = 55254)
is impossible not to agree with Zinn. He himself recalls an earlier case is also considered a milestone of injustice: "Has there been justice in the American system for the poor, people of color, the radical? When sentenced to death eight anarchists in Chicago after Haymarket riots of 1886, it was not because there was any proof of the connection between them and the bomb dropped in the middle of the police, there was no evidence. Was because they were leaders of the anarchist movement in Chicago. "
Zinn, recently deceased, valuation remain the same today as one hundred years later, the journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal, dedicated to showing the public the police violence against groups social minority, was sentenced in 1982 to capital punishment, punishment that draws from death row.
Fortunately for him, have appeared in time evidence of his innocence in case of the murder of a policeman in which he has been involved. However, this truce has avoided spending 23 hours a day locked in a cell during these 28 years, without authorization to receive visits from their families and their personal mail illegally opened by prison authorities. (His case http://www.freemumia.org/ )
With anti-terrorism and national security (Patriot Act) in force for a party and a social environment conveniently manipulated through fear of assumptions terrorist attacks on the other, mock trials become part of a flawed judicial system even more than before, so detained, convicted and executed today can hardly expect justice in this life and correction of errors in the future.
Two questions draw attention to this tendency. His relationship with other injustices committed by the United States beyond its borders, and the acceptance of those and its multiplier effect on other countries.
hijacked flights secrets, offshore prisons, the torture of prisoners counseled by physicians and psychologists, detention without trial for years and if it comes, the test invalid judgments, executions extra-judicial and other developments contributed to American democracy to human progress, that Sacco and Vanzetti would feel fortunate to have suffered minor compared to the ordeal of his comrades to fight today.
Al while increasing control and repression against those who challenge the system within the borders, punishes without restrictions of any kind to those designated as enemies of the United States. To change this judge's robes for the uniform straight humanitarian interventionists and attack their enemies to destroy them, including children collateral damage "on the sidelines. In the imperialist jargon this is called "return stone age ", it is assumed that by comparison with the civilized age of the attackers. Logically
this is against common sense, moral and even international law, which is why it is twisted until it says what it says, are decorated with beautiful horrendous actions semiente words again and again until is not anyone alive or brave, or crazy, to object.
The dead, all violations and lies are minor details in the eyes of the leaders of other countries, among which those of us who feel so identified with this new era of splendor of law, who collaborated in the worldwide success of American democratic model.
When they leave, or scales, the flights from our airport, sent soldiers to assist in the war on terror in Afghanistan and other countries is not accepted when released from Guantanamo, who remain here without getting justice or repairs, but in a legal limbo contrary to human rights, it sends agents to confer intelligence, cooperation and study with colleagues across the Atlantic, when the Prime Minister held not excited the last Nobel prize of peace given to Attila XXI century (apparently stressed the "interest highly strategic "award and said that Obama's goals" are good for the world "), begins to concoct an alliance of civilizations that has saved the life of one Afghan child, but that has got one more picture with the antichrist of global diplomacy, the UN secretary general, Ban Ki Moon.
In view of what is happening today is that cruelty and absurdity on the rise since the days of Sacco and Vanzetti.
Zinn explains the situation of the time:
"a typesetter named Andrea Salcedo who lived in New York was hijacked by members FBI (I use the word "kidnapped" to describe the illegal detention of a person), and held on the 14th floor of the FBI office in Park Row Building. He was not allowed to call family, friends or a lawyer and was interrogated and beaten, according to a fellow prisoner. During the eighth week of his imprisonment, May 3, 1920, Salcedo's body was found on the pavement near the Park Row Building, and the FBI announced that he had committed suicide by jumping from the window of the room that was kept . It was two days before the arrest of Sacco and Vanzetti. "
and tells the popular response to the two murders that were to come:
"Thousands marched, marched, protested, not only in New York, Boston, Chicago, San Francisco, but also in London, Paris, Buenos Aires or South Africa. It was not enough. On the night of his execution, thousands demonstrated in Charlestown, but were kept away from the prison by a crowd of police. Demonstrators were arrested. There were machine guns on the roofs and large spotlights sweeping the scene. A large crowd gathered at Union Square on August 23, 1927. After midnight, prison lights dimmed and the two men were electrocuted. "
Yes, the protest of the people was not enough to save the two anarchists and the same has happened with those who have died since then. More than eighty years and millions of crimes then obvious why Sacco and Vanzetti began to be armed when they heard the end of Salcedo and why the demonstrations and protests are against guns.
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