Until August 6, 1945, the nuclear threat was still an abstraction. After the devastation of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the explosion of a uranium bomb and a plutonium respectively, these two Japanese cities became symbols of the horror, the consequences of the real weapons of mass destruction. Today a handful of countries controls 22,000 nuclear warheads. Much of them are in the hands of those who starred in the nuclear genocide, the U.S., this country that claims the right to protect its allies who have them and threaten their enemies who seek to have them. MONTOYA ROBERTO
At 2.15 pm on August 6, 1945, 12 members of the crew of the mighty B-29 bomber Enola Gay departed Tiniaii Island in the Pacific, 2,500 kilometers southeast of Tokyo, in search of his goal. The options were Nagasaki and Hiroshima Kotura and flight would be decided based on meteorological analysis to make the survey plane that had left three quarters of an hour earlier. Tebbits only Colonel Paul, commander the Enola Gay, knew carrying an atomic bomb. Knew they were important, had been elected to a historic mission, ordered by President Harry S. Truman. The president of the Democratic Party was replaced shortly before the attack on the office of the late Benjamin Delano Roosevelt.
As a vice president, Roosevelt had planned to use the bomb against Berlin, but the collapse of Nazism occurred before they could finish. Japan would be elected as Germany's substitute target. U.S. knew that this would not only oblige Japan to surrender to the rule, but releasing a clear warning to the USSR, when approaching the division much of the world between the two powers.
Roosevelt and Truman disregarded the views of scientists like Albert Einstein that was not used to make nuclear bomb Manhattan Project research for three years had made in the secret laboratory at Los Alamos in New Mexico desert.
Then came H. Day
The Enola Gay - the commander of the B-29 recorded the name of his mother in the fuselage, began his mission in her womb a Little Boy (Boy), the 4,000 kg bomb with enriched uranium core, three meters long and 70 centimeters in diameter. Tibbets distributed among the crew flying the cyanide capsules. If there was a mishap, could not be taken alive.
In his diary (which in 1971 sold proud to $ 37,000), co-pilot, Robert Lewis, recalled briefly how the commander told them the ultimate target in flight: "07.24 hours. Tibbets connect the intercom to talk to the crew. It only says two words: It's Hiroshima 08.14.El Colonel commands us to place your special Polaroid glasses against the glare, 08.15, the compartment doors of the Enola Gay bombs were opened and the first atomic bomb is released from the anchor. " Lewis continued his remarks: "08.16. At 43 seconds after launch and almost six miles of fall, the bomb detonated over Hiroshima. "
According to Truman, the target was a Japanese military base. In fact, the bomb, attached by three special parachute, exploded 500 meters from the ground in downtown Hiroshima, a city with 250,000 inhabitants.
"A purple light point expands into a huge, blinding ball of fire," wrote Lewis. "The core temperature is 50 million degrees. Aboard the plane, nobody says anything. I could almost taste the glare of the explosion, had the taste of lead. The cockpit was illuminated with a strange light. It was like looking into hell. Then came the shock wave, a mass of compressed air that seemed so solid. When the shock wave reached the plane, Tibbets and I cling to the controls. (...) The fungus reached a mile high and its base is a bubbling cauldron, a seething mass of flames. The city must be below that. " "It was just another job," say Lewis. "We made this world a safer place. Since then nobody has dared to throw another bomb. I would like to be remembered as the man who helped make this possible. "
things in Hiroshima lived a very different way. The blast, with its 6,000-degree heat, charred more than 70,000 people immediately. The buildings and trees were charred at 120 miles. Fallout dismissed by the mushroom cloud in the hours after killing several thousand people, also leaving thousands injured and maimed. Had enriched uranium with white blood cells. Before the end of 1945 had died and 140,000 people in Hiroshima. Over the years tens of thousands more would die of cancer and thousands of children would be born with severe deformities.
After receiving the results of his achievement, President Truman said: "This is the greatest event in history." Three days after ordering
repeat the experience in Nagasaki. At 11.02 am, another B-29 bomber, the Bockscar, on the city threw a bomb with plutonium core. Forty thousand people were killed immediately. Thousands more would die later. Thousands of children would be born with malformations.
The survivors have little more than 200,000 of these genocides, hibakusha, who suffered severe deformities, genetic damage and cancer, are still waiting for U.S. to apologize for the genocide. He never did.
For the first time on Friday 6, the events held by the 65 th anniversary of the attack on Hiroshima, was attended by a U.S. representative, the consul for the first time he also assisted the General Secretary UN.
These crimes against humanity go unpunished 65 years later.
At 2.15 pm on August 6, 1945, 12 members of the crew of the mighty B-29 bomber Enola Gay departed Tiniaii Island in the Pacific, 2,500 kilometers southeast of Tokyo, in search of his goal. The options were Nagasaki and Hiroshima Kotura and flight would be decided based on meteorological analysis to make the survey plane that had left three quarters of an hour earlier. Tebbits only Colonel Paul, commander the Enola Gay, knew carrying an atomic bomb. Knew they were important, had been elected to a historic mission, ordered by President Harry S. Truman. The president of the Democratic Party was replaced shortly before the attack on the office of the late Benjamin Delano Roosevelt.
As a vice president, Roosevelt had planned to use the bomb against Berlin, but the collapse of Nazism occurred before they could finish. Japan would be elected as Germany's substitute target. U.S. knew that this would not only oblige Japan to surrender to the rule, but releasing a clear warning to the USSR, when approaching the division much of the world between the two powers.
Roosevelt and Truman disregarded the views of scientists like Albert Einstein that was not used to make nuclear bomb Manhattan Project research for three years had made in the secret laboratory at Los Alamos in New Mexico desert.
Then came H. Day
The Enola Gay - the commander of the B-29 recorded the name of his mother in the fuselage, began his mission in her womb a Little Boy (Boy), the 4,000 kg bomb with enriched uranium core, three meters long and 70 centimeters in diameter. Tibbets distributed among the crew flying the cyanide capsules. If there was a mishap, could not be taken alive.
In his diary (which in 1971 sold proud to $ 37,000), co-pilot, Robert Lewis, recalled briefly how the commander told them the ultimate target in flight: "07.24 hours. Tibbets connect the intercom to talk to the crew. It only says two words: It's Hiroshima 08.14.El Colonel commands us to place your special Polaroid glasses against the glare, 08.15, the compartment doors of the Enola Gay bombs were opened and the first atomic bomb is released from the anchor. " Lewis continued his remarks: "08.16. At 43 seconds after launch and almost six miles of fall, the bomb detonated over Hiroshima. "
According to Truman, the target was a Japanese military base. In fact, the bomb, attached by three special parachute, exploded 500 meters from the ground in downtown Hiroshima, a city with 250,000 inhabitants.
"A purple light point expands into a huge, blinding ball of fire," wrote Lewis. "The core temperature is 50 million degrees. Aboard the plane, nobody says anything. I could almost taste the glare of the explosion, had the taste of lead. The cockpit was illuminated with a strange light. It was like looking into hell. Then came the shock wave, a mass of compressed air that seemed so solid. When the shock wave reached the plane, Tibbets and I cling to the controls. (...) The fungus reached a mile high and its base is a bubbling cauldron, a seething mass of flames. The city must be below that. " "It was just another job," say Lewis. "We made this world a safer place. Since then nobody has dared to throw another bomb. I would like to be remembered as the man who helped make this possible. "
things in Hiroshima lived a very different way. The blast, with its 6,000-degree heat, charred more than 70,000 people immediately. The buildings and trees were charred at 120 miles. Fallout dismissed by the mushroom cloud in the hours after killing several thousand people, also leaving thousands injured and maimed. Had enriched uranium with white blood cells. Before the end of 1945 had died and 140,000 people in Hiroshima. Over the years tens of thousands more would die of cancer and thousands of children would be born with severe deformities.
After receiving the results of his achievement, President Truman said: "This is the greatest event in history." Three days after ordering
repeat the experience in Nagasaki. At 11.02 am, another B-29 bomber, the Bockscar, on the city threw a bomb with plutonium core. Forty thousand people were killed immediately. Thousands more would die later. Thousands of children would be born with malformations.
The survivors have little more than 200,000 of these genocides, hibakusha, who suffered severe deformities, genetic damage and cancer, are still waiting for U.S. to apologize for the genocide. He never did.
For the first time on Friday 6, the events held by the 65 th anniversary of the attack on Hiroshima, was attended by a U.S. representative, the consul for the first time he also assisted the General Secretary UN.
These crimes against humanity go unpunished 65 years later.
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