Thursday, March 3, 2011

Milena Velba In Autobus


policy has been taken, say the Kirchner gold and its allies, the Stalinists, looking at his own reflection in the mirror it back, like Narcissus, revamped, recovered from the disaster. Parenthetically, there is no doubt that the two dogmas eternal who created mankind are Catholicism and Stalinism; seem indestructible. But, going to the title track, is at least strange to praise the return to politics in a country where the government lives cheating laws, rejecting the opposition and still sticking after promising that the new electoral law was to clean up the system .

I think more than five years ago the constituents, including Cristina and her husband qualified political parties, that little or nothing before been mentioned in the Constitution as "fundamental institutions of the democratic system", which is also twinned with the so-called liberal myth supposedly secured multiparty representative democracy. Last the implosion of 19 and 20 December, some parties regained some of their inner energies but most were devoted to electoral contests and trapichuleo nominations. Mushroomed in moist soil-called "space" as if it had been discovered Agora Assembly, not the little Athens, but in a large city such as Buenos Aires. The limits were the most CHIRLA, flabby, where the serious ideological, left to right, conspicuous by its absence, rather like the conceit typical of world sport. If some French thinkers for decades had stated that the policy had been transformed into a show, now, at least in Argentina, politics became a sporting event. Politicians seem to players talking about the bad or good luck on the court. They lack the detail of chewing gum and twist a little wider to respond to reporters. Face, and have it.

That is why we must bear in mind that this pretentious idea of \u200b\u200bthe alleged recovery of politics is not part of the clay reliable information on all known records in many games formalized under President Kirchner, is estimated at between seven and eight. This is how the country keeps a feeble party apparatus, however, appears to meet many people. But the funny thing is that while says one in three citizens is affiliated with something, it is very difficult to find someone to show you the address of a local supporter. This tremendous party bureaucracy should be a wake-up call the threat of calamity in the future state bureaucracy. That is, if they are simple affiliates, do not be when they take positions in the State.


things this way, the course includes the strengthening of policy, the alleged recreation is not the sign of a collective glow but the formation of factions Kirchner and his brand new allies, these Stalinists now definitely wash the sins of the Democratic Union, grouped around the turn away from the state. Many public employees and thus are being repeated, not the best experience, but some of the darkest forms of Peronism, and remind our parents and grandparents.

're selling a mailbox: pretend that these facts can be compared with times of politically engaged youth several decades ago, say sixty or seventy. But they forget that that commitment, whose symbol was the May French, not tolerate, even remotely, not a hint of frivolity. There was no place for the likes of Tinelli and Mirtha Legrand.

Sure nostalgic features of this comparison since the unprecedented - and especially unpublished - contemporary banality, present from the River Plate stadium, going by the newspaper La Nacion, published supplements tiling included some suspicious vulgata in relation to the refurbishment of the Teatro Colón until, of course, the TV, leaves us a bit like old grumpy. Nothing comes to us well. Only in our youth was not anything good and we came so we did Che Guevara.

That youth alleged to have become the policy of the hand of a youth organization is named after a conservative politician, is no small detail of time. Hector Campora That was probably a great person who had the distinction of signing the decree of liberation of political prisoners in 1973, not mean that was a conservative. But that reminds us that elections FREJULI was nothing less than magical conservative ally called "popular" You Forgot to Solano Lima? Curious, the Peronist share with their ability to Stalinist friends with the conservatives and the military, socially who have nothing in common, in direct proportion to their dislike to radical, who in fact are almost their first cousins.

But what the mentor Campora should consider further is the intellectuals who huddle in that tree saying that the "thought" and asking young people to be and do them. Input remember that there appointed, mostly acted first, then thought, because they, like Che, like us, children of an age of action.

Say beyond that, it would be interesting Kirchnercito, the young man who monitors the Campora, bothered to read any of his recommendations. Jaureche For example, Do you remember that this stubborn Basque slammed him Peron? Also by reading any books Jaureche he would see would be the first to laugh heartily at this pantomime called "political awakening"

But you see where the Campora and see that it is not fanciful to use that name. Because, for example, Aramburu y Rojas was undoubtedly the pinnacle of fascism, Arturo Frondizi meanwhile took over bourgeois concept of development, petty dream which will be attached, unable to do Fidel Castro today, despite warnings Che on the subject. But, following the wave of Argentina, will Onganía spokesman conservative corporatism. What "represented" then the conservative Hector Campora?. As president unexpectedly brought the practice of cornering. If Lenin was the author of the theory the assault on the power, Uncle Campora engendered in its followers the temptation of "cornering." Say it's a good union practice. It seems that those who Perón called "beardless" imagined that the uncle would be able to carry Perón towed to the "socialist fatherland" through a series of takeover, only they did not have that Peron only lived, but he possessed a remarkable clarity and so while the 73 is engaged camporees boluda make state buildings and shadowing liberated territories, and then with Perón as president, to overturn the country to national socialism, the leader PJ tied strongly to what he considered the true Peronist. Is there anything about that now?.

repeat in case: Ruling was for them to occupy physical space, state territories, government departments, especially formal, universities, palaces, nurseries, no barracks, police stations or ministries interior or economics. Armed civilians who had contributed decisively to the fall of Lanusse under various acronyms then gathered under the name Montoneros, joined the parade with the brothers of the same color uniform, blue, clear, in what was called "Operation Borrego"

paradox Oh, Oh implacable history! General Perón, subtle strategist, undoubtedly a great statesman, was not fooled by the blue uniforms montoneros although had every reason to guard against the olive green barracks were seriously assaulted, no, no depose Peron devotion to the conservative faithful collaborator Campora and returned to the presidential chair of the hand of a sordid character of politics, a certain Lastiri.


politics and debate, fences Today many government supporters. But not always clear what debate they relate. The current Peronist Kirchner is a vertical, vertical perhaps most of all, because the former president was one of the most absolutist Peronist (to the extent that in certain occasion de la Sota the Stalinists tried) the fact is that all major decisions taken by power, good and bad, as are the main candidates were always dome-shaped thumb down treacherous.

course in all these situations enjoyed a enthusiastic support of militancy, which, in my opinion, it seems show that membership of the Stalinists is because the Kirchner is deeply Stalinist. So you can see clearly that in common with other expressions excel much more thoughtful in disqualifying opponents to convince them. That is the essence of Stalinism.

can recognize that some parliamentary debates were interesting moments, the re nationalization of the pension system or the treatment of gay marriage, for example, but in matters specifically related to policy, they reappear the worst vices, the former discuss skill playing in the middle of the game.

The classic and popular to define the work of the Campora allegedly luring young people into politics, I mean the traditional way to define this incredible scam would be to say that young people are learning to do politics

Elsewhere than in the militancy, the term "politics" sometimes takes on a negative connotation because quite often suffers from disguised ideological approach objective truth. Similar confusion is the term "apolitical" to say "nonpartisan." Actually this is not the policy be re-prestigious, the bourgeoisie and the popular, well aided by the Stalinists, have done an exceptionally destructive. It appears that policy and is in sight, that we see and think we know, is without doubt, as the Italians say, a merde.

No, it is not re-lend prestige to the policy. In fact what it is that politics is elsewhere, that the phrase is borrowed book title Lopez Echague. Than it is, then, is to know where to find policy and, as we did when we follow the Che.

Special La Fogata


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